The fight!

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Erza's POV
I saw Alexis come out in some sort of dragon scale armour. She was covered in dark blue scales that you could tell were armour, she carried a sharp sliver blade with a dragons head on the handle. "No holding back ok?" She said smiling. " No holding back". Mirajane stood up and announced the rules " No killing or backing down, the looser has to buy the whole guild a round!" She shouted . That earned some cheers from the crowd that had gathered. "Ready FIGHT". Alexis got into a battle stance and lunged I deflected easily but the force from the two blades sent me back a bit. "She's strong" I thought. Using her strength against her I shoved on my blade and pushed her back,I lunged and she ducked narrowly avoiding my blade. This carried on for about another ten minutes, I was tiring fast while she looked fine."Well well Erza Scarlet, your not as bad as I thought...but I'm afraid you won't win I'm only warming up". Suddenly the dragons mouth on her sword opened and let out a roar, her hair turned blue and her eyes turned completely black " I'm guessing you haven't got a armor that boosts Your mind and body levels by 1000 do you?" She said. I gasped her voice sounded sharp and raspy, I shifted foot to foot trying not let my nerves show. "Requip magic ROOAAAARRR!"She yelled."UH Oh" I thought and got blasted with a blue tunnel of swords. The last thing I heard was Mirajane shouting" ERZA SCARLET IS DOWN. ALEXIS STORM IS THE WINNER I DON'T BELIEVE IT!!"

Alexis's POV
After doing a roar that drains most of my magical energy I heard a white haired girl shouting that I had won. " thank goodness" I thought before falling to the ground.

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