Medieval Destiny Part A

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(Dark clouds covered the flaming castle and nearby village, the dark ominous sounds of lightning bellowing throughout the sky. The Kingdom of Qerravale had suffered a vicious raid at the hands of an army of strange red creatures with little horns, known as Demonites. Several royal guards defended the castle walls outside the courtyard as best they could but the Demonites overpowered them. Through the ruins of the village walked three figures. The one in the middle was a large black and dark red demon with fangs, a long black cape, and crown. In his hand was a long broadsword, engraved with markings that faintly glowed. To the right of the king was a short, skinnier demon with a jester hat and shoes, a large collar, and white and black striped clothing. He carried a leather bag in his right hand and a pistol like weapon in his left. Finally to the left was a tall, slender, burgundy scorpion-like demon with a dark cape and claw hands.)

GRIEGER: Take a look at this petty kingdom! Not even their mightiest warriors could withstand the fury of King Grieger III.

JESTER: Our hour of victory grows closer by the second! The kingdom has fallen; thanks to you, my liege!

SCORPION DEMON: Naturally...those stupid Knights fell for a simple little trap. They were NO match for me. (The jester cleared his throat loudly.) Oh don't give me that look, Yuranzo. You didn't do much other than retrieve these artifacts.

YURANZO: Excuse me?! If it weren't for me, we wouldn't even have gotten our hands on these artifacts! Besides Venomite, if I wanted to, I could hold my own in a fight.

VENOMITE (He smirked): Yeah? Can't remember a time when you ever fought.

(The three demons made their way near the outskirts of the village to a garden with a large slab. The slab had six distinctly shaped holes.)

GRIEGER: Venomite, present the gems.

VENOMITE: At once, my liege. (He reached into one of the pouches on his belt, and pulled out six colored gems; blue, green, orange, white, yellow, and purple.)

GRIEGER: Yuranzo, proceed.

YURANZO: As you wish, my liege. (He reached into his bag and pulled out the mentioned items; first a silver ring with a crystal diamond) Morgan LeFay's Ring, (A green horn decorated with rubies and sapphires) the Horn of Justice, (An orange lance) Sir Gawain's Lance, (A light blue wand with black markings on it) Merlin's Master Wand, (a golden shield) Sir Lancelot's shield, (and finally a long and silver blade.) and finally... Excalibur!

GRIEGER: Excellent. (He took the first six artifacts, and placed them into their respective holes in the slab before raising Excalibur high into the air.) And new kingdom awaits. Reveal to me THE PATH!

(But before the sword touched the slot, a red beam rocketed out and shot the sword out of his hand.)

VENOMITE: What's this?

(The three demons turned to see three figures. To the right was a man wearing a red suit of armor holding a red broadsword. To the right was a woman with a brown open cloak and black, curly hair. She wore a navy blue skirt with black leggings, a black tanktop with a cyan blue vest over it, holding a blue magic wand. Standing in the middle was an old man in his late forty's, with a long robe, brown hair with a little bit of white, and a goatee. He held a golden scepter in his hand.)

GRIEGER (He growled): You!

YURANZO (He smirked): Really? THIS is the last of Qerravale's great defenses? Some old sorcerer, his pet apprentice, and one lone knight? (The woman growled.)

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