Slow Burn

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EPISODE 2: Slow Burn



(Everything was...quiet. Far too quiet. Paige slowly opened her eyes to find herself in a familiar setting. In a narrow hallway, with the lights dim and flickering, she slowly made her way through to the end of the room. She paused as she heard a sound from behind her, turning around and getting into a stance)

PAIGE (She scoffed) : Yeah yeah, try something new this time! I'm not scared of a few freaky sounds!

(The sounds were close to distorted growls, echoing throughout the hallways. Paige ignored this as she continued to make her way through the prison. Eventually she made it into one of the larger areas, a huge room with cells on 3 different levels with a foyer in the middle. It was here where she noticed someone standing in the light. The man wore an orange prison suit, looking like an older Quintin. Paige froze upon seeing him)

PAIGE (Her voice became quiet, afraid):

QUINTIN: He's finally free, Paige.

(Paige looked over her shoulder to see Quintin walk past her and stand by their father.)

PAIGE: No...don't you dare bring him back into this!

QUINTIN: We can be a family again, sis. (He extended his hand to her.) Join us.

PAIGE (She clenched her fists): This isn't real...I don't care what this is, this isn't real!

QUINTIN AND PAIGE'S FATHER (Their voices merged, becoming distorted): Very perceptive of you...

(Paige glared towards her father but then her eyes widened upon seeing him suddenly start to transform into Venomite. She started to back away but stopped and stood her ground.)

VENOMITE: You think you're safe? Oh no, you are still my prey. (He licked his lips.) My favorite...and I'm going to enjoy ripping your life apart!

(Before Paige could react, Venomite suddenly turned into a grotesque, feral looking creature and shot tendrils from his back, wrapping them around Paige's arms and legs to restrain her. Paige struggled against them as she was dragged towards Venomite, helplessly flailing to free herself. As she got closer, her vision began to fade as she could hear someone yelling out her name.)


(Her eyes suddenly shot open as she felt two hands trying to shake her. looking up to see Quintin try to wake her up. She froze, looking up at him before calming herself, laying back against the sheets and rubbing her eyes. Her eyes gazed around her, letting out a sigh when she realized she was awake.)

QUINTIN: I heard you from the other room. You were mumbling in your sleep.

PAIGE (Snappy): Yeah, so what else is new?

QUINTIN: The talking in your sleep. (Paige paused and sat up while Quintin sat down on the edge of the bed.) What's going on?

PAIGE: Nothing. I'm fine.

QUINTIN: That definitely didn't sound like nothing.

PAIGE: ...bad dream. Nothing new. What time is it?

QUINTIN: About 7. We gotta head to base for training. (Paige scoffed.) Hey I don't like early stuff anymore than you do, but at least it's a weekend. Okay? (He got up and went out of the room.) I'll shower first, give you time to wake up.

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