Medieval Destiny Part B

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(The Sundraville mall was a hotspot for people of all ages and it was a local spot for many of the West Meadowborough citizens. JT, Quintin, and Paige had settled on one of the upper levels in the food court. Quintin played idly on his 3DS till Vance returned with 4 milkshakes.)

VANCE: Alrighty! We have one vanilla root beer float for myself, one chocolate supremo for Paige, the "banang" blitz for JT, and the "sherbert slammah" for Quintin. (He served the three of them and sat down.) You guys have weird taste in ice cream.

JT: Ahhhh, the mall. Where else can a man drink a milkshake with his nose and NOT be judged? (He inhaled his milkshake, and swallowed.) Ah... it's like breathing in frozen sunshine.

QUINTIN: of these days, we should talk about selling your brain to science.

JT: Good luck, YOU WON'T GET A PENNY!!

PAIGE: So how's that uhhh...Youtube music thing been going?

VANCE: Pretty good, honestly. We got our first album done so now it's just a matter of getting someone to check it out and maybe do some touring.

QUINTIN: That's sweet, bro! You've been doing that music stuff since like...?

VANCE: 9th Grade. It's how you and I met, yeah.

PAIGE: Looks like we're all getting what we wanted now.

JT: That's great though! You got Vance with his music, you got Paigey and her artsy stuff, you got Quintin with his football, and me with my comics! (Paige gave him a look.) Woops, OUR comics.

VANCE: One step at a time, guys. (He put his shake up.) People are gonna remember us for years to come with what we do. Here's to that.

QUINTIN (He nodded, raising his shake): I can dig that.

PAIGE (She did so as well): Yeah yeah, you just don't want to admit how awesome we're gonna be.

VANCE: Well it's not like opportunity is gonna come knocking anytime soon.

(JT nodded then turned his head to hear the sound of someone screaming. The sound quickly alerted everyone else in the area and Quintin quickly looked across their floor to see Venomite. He laughed maniacally as people began to run and he watched them scream in terror, raising his hands up and starting to shoot several of them with poisonous barbs.)

PAIGE (His eyes widened):'re seeing that too right?

VANCE: Seriously wish I wasn't right now! (He got into a stance.)

JT: I just want to take this moment to say--

QUINTIN: Yeah, yeah, you told us so! (He pulled JT into a stance.)

(The barbs struck several citizens, causing them to fall over and squeal in agony, before being completely consumed by strange cocoon-like webbing.)

VENOMITE (He laughed maniacally): Excellent! Another batch of disgusting humans captured in one fell swoop!

PAIGE: Hold it, bug boy!

(Venomite turned around and noticed Vance, JT, Quintin, and Paige standing their ground in front of him.)

VENOMITE: Huh? What is this? Humans coming to me? (He snickered quietly.) This is new, but not unwanted.

VANCE: What the heck are you supposed to be?

VENOMITE: I am a messenger of the future master of this world! I have roamed this land for 15 centuries awaiting his return, and it has come at last!

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