||Philly is my dad?||

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|Kaths Pov|

The Phil Lester
THE Phil Lester was adopting me !
bloody hell im going to cry

"Hi Katherine Im Phil" he smiled but i was still standing there in shock
"umm i see your a fan" i snapped out of my mind palace and sat down
"i-i um hi its Kath but yeah You can call me whatever" i chucked nervously
"nice to meet you kath"he out streched his arm and i shook his hand.
"so your adopting"
"yeah and i chose you as i need someone to keep me company oh and dan aswell"
"thats good " i was so nervous i was saying weird crap already.
"well once ive filled in the paperwork we can go do you wanna get your stuff?" He asked smiling
"ur sure " i walk outside the room and run upstairs grabing my three blue matching suitcases down of my wardrobe and start filling them. One for clothes and jewelry one for books and collectibles and one for posters photos and makeup and tolitres.
When i was done i went downstairs and placed my bags by the door ready to go as soon as phil was ready to go.
I went upstairs to share the news with liz.
"liz you will never guess who is adopting me!"
"omg who?"
"phil lester!"
"are you kidding me? Omg can i meet him?"
"no im not and come downstairs we are going to go soon ao you might be able to"
"omg lets go !" She ran out of the room nearly falling over a pile of clothes on the floor.

"Kath are you done yet?" Miss Lana called down" mr lester is waiting"
"coming" i shout i walk downstairs to see and fustrated Miss Lana , a shocked af liz getting phils autograph,and a smiling ball of sunshine that is my new dad.

Hope you like

||THE DAYDREAMER-Adopted By Phil Lester (Dan X Reader)||Where stories live. Discover now