Chapter 3 - Darkness, Fire Him (Part 2)

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It was a weird sensation, leaning up against
something that your couldn't see, but felt and
heard. Maybe I was blind.
"Well," I said. "That sucks. My arm is killing me
anyways." I chuckled at my own stupid joke.
Surprisingly, the voice laughed too.
"Can you tell me what you see at least. I can't
see what you see." The voice edged back to the
topic it had begun before.
I mumbled into the warmth, "I can't see
anything. Just black. Well not black, nothing."
"Hmmmm," the voice hummed gently. "Could
you see anything before now?"
"I saw my life. But the nothing stuff made it
look like Swiss cheese. And I saw the fire. Lots
of fire and it ate me. And then after, when it got
really cold, I saw my frozen tears shimmer like
diamonds and shatter on the ground. It was
very pretty."
"Ah, ok I see." The voice sounded like it had just
solved a very tricky puzzle. "So you haven't met
anyone else here?"
"No," I said. "Just you. Well, though the nothing
acted kind of person like. I guess I met that."
The voice laughed gently. "Alright, are you
I was about to say no when I heard it. The click,
click of shoes on tile flooring. They were getting
closer, and my heart was beating faster. Click,
click, click, click. My breathing began to speed
with the time they were ticking. I felt my
sightless eyes open wide and, with what felt like
a panicked expression on my face, turned to
where I thought they magical deep voice was
coming from.
"What is it?" the voice asked, panic-stricken.
"Someone is coming," I said quickly. "I don't
know who. I'm scared now."
"Listen, I have to go for a few seconds. But I will
be back, I promise."
"No! Don't go! Please! I need you! I don't know
who the person is!"
"Here," the voice said, releasing me. "I'm going
to stay right here," The voice placed its "fingers"
on my forehead. "You can feel me there until
you can see me."
"How?" I asked frantically.
"I doesn't matter right now. Just don't be
afraid." The shoes clicked ever louder on the
floor I couldn't see.
"Don't be afraid of what?" I called. But the voice
didn't answer.
Another voice did. If I didn't know better, I
would have said that they sounded exactly the
same. But this one was slightly different. It was
deeper, aged.
"Afraid of me." it said darkly, deeply, bone
My eyes scanned the nothing and my arms
flailed uselessly, but I could not see the person
the voice was coming from. Then with a grim
chuckle from the deep voice that echoed eerily
around the space like it was endlessly hollow,
bright florescent light filled the space, burning
my eyes. I cringed at the blazing light. I could
see. I could see everything, though my vision
was spotty from the sudden violent lighting
burning my retinas. There were four walls
around me, they seemed to go on forever, I
could not see a ceiling. It just went on white
forever. And the floor was checkered a very
light gray and white, reflecting the light
But what stuck out the most was the slim black
figure standing before me. From my position on
the floor I tracked my gaze up from his heavy
black hiking boots, up his sharp, black dress
pants, past his belt adorned with gems and
bottles filled with what looked like sand. I
passingly glanced at the tight fitting black t-shirt
and heavy, worn trench coat. No, what held my
gaze was his face. The face that would haunt me
for weeks, months, maybe even years. But
maybe not the face. It was his eyes. Those deep,
endless, electric blue eyes that you drowned in
when you gazed there too long. The eyes that
were glaring at me weirdly, with a fevered
My breathing picked up, and I scrambled along
the floor as far away as I could from the man
and slowly stood up, leaning against the wall
behind me. I could still feel the voice's warm
"fingers" on my forehead.
I tore my gaze away from the eyes, afraid of
drowning into the nothing again. I searched the
room for something, anything, to look at besides
the man. But the bright walls burned my eyes
and my eyes kept returning to the darkly
dressed man in front of me. His gaze on me did
not change, and his chin rose in pride as he
looked at me sideways with the same passion.
His head jerked slowly up in down in a pensive
nod. My breathing was shallow and coming in
gasps. It was heavily audible in the bright white
As its volume increased, the dark man smiled a
wicked smirk, and I watched with fear as the
endless eyes softened from their feverent glare,
with a look of understanding. His shoes slowly
clicked once more, one at a time on the hard
floor, clicking by endless seconds as he walked
toward me. I glued myself to the wall behind me
as much as I could, adrenaline and fear
coursing through my pounding veins, just
wanting as much as possible to get away from
the man. The man the voice had left me with.
The man who was like the darkness. The man
who was going to feed me to the fire. And this
time I was going to burn.

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