Chapter 9

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  • Dedicated to All of the readers. Thank you for waiting so long for the next upload!

My first thought when I wake up- Shoot. I mean, of course there are there are a few thoughts that come before it. Those are mainly "yippees" from the animal instincts inside my brain that are glad that I fainted just in time to not get speared, and I'm alive (Enjoy it while it lasts, guys). But aside from those natural reactions, I'm enitrely disappointed. Not in the fact that I'll live to see another week or two. Not that. No, I'm upset because now I'm the "weak girl who faints". I'm NEVER going to get any sponsors like this. 

I get up and look around to see if anybody noticed. I know, I know, it's hard to miss the fact that a girl who was once standing is now lying in a heap on the floor. But one can hope. Luckily enough, however the only one who I could tell noticed was the boy who was throwing the spear. And, funnily enough, I don't think he'll be concerned enough about me to draw attention. I sit up shakily, grateful that I fainted just in time to get out of the way of the spear. I wobble over to the knot-tying station. I think that in my current condition, it would be best to stay away from any flying pointed objects *cough cough, the knife/ax/arrow stations* I plop down behind the District 12 tributes. They don't notice me, and neither does the trainer. I smile slyly. If I can do this in the arena, maybe I'll be able to hide from my enemies. I decide to see how long this will last. Looking out of the corners of my eyes, to make sure none of them notice me, I stretch out a hand and snatch a piece of rope. I quietly twist my rope into a simple knot, and then begin to mimic the actions of the trainer, who's still looking in the direction of the Twelve tributes. I finally finish the knot, and slip away. For a second, I think that one of them may have spotted me, but then I see the unaware expressions on their faces. If they saw anything, it was just a shadow.

Lunchtime is torture. All the Careers share a table, and if you listen close enough, you can hear them talking about which area of a child's body is the easiest to hit with a spear. I shudder, and concentrate on counting the amount of sesame seeds in the District Five breads...





41. 41 seeds in a sesame bun.

24. 24 children in this game.

878,9771. 878,9771 people watching.

4 in 100. 4 in 100 are my chances of surviving.

2. 2 days until I have to live this horror.

 The net is made of rope that scratches my skin. It burns and my dark skin is an irritated pink, but I don't care; all I care about is being free from this net, free to go back to my normal life, so I scream and scream until my voice makes no sound, but the spear is coming anyway and there's no way in the world I can stop it, and it's coming faster, faster, and-

I peel my sweaty face from the oak table. Apparently I have fallen asleep. I groan and roll my eyes. Fainting? Falling asleep for no reason at all? The next thing I know, I'll be spraining my ankle.

I decide to leave the table. I might as well take some extra time in the Training Area. It's not like I'll have anything better to do. I hoist myself from the chair, and step onto the ground. I've only taken a few steps before I feel a twinge in my lower leg.

I seem to have sprained my ankle.

When training finally finishes, I'm feeling tired, sweaty, and much more unconfident. The boy with the spear kept on giving me dirty looks throughout the day, presumably because I dared to get in the way of his target. I have a nasty feeling that he won't be in any hurry to show mercy to me in the Games.

When the time comes for me to go to dinner, I decide not to change out of my grimy clothes and into the hideous costume that Aurelia has chosen for me.Hey, I'm going to die soon. I really don't care how many people I upset along the way.

When I arrive at dinner, I'm expecting some large admonition from Aurelia. Instead, she merely stares at me, and glares in a way that says "You disgust me." That would be fine by me, but she feels the need to do this all through dinner. I would try to make small talk with Arcto and Thresh, but they are whispering about something to important for my ears. Probably how to defeat me in the Games. Enh, then again, maybe not. I have a feeling that that discussion would probably last a minute. All you really need to do is throw a spear my way, and wait for me to faint. I'd probably crack open my skull on a rock or something.

After I've decided that sitting at the table for the duration of the meal won't be doing me any favors, I nervously ask Aurelia if I may be excused. She gives me a curt nod, and I rush up to bed. Surprisingly enough, my bed is not made. That's odd. It was made when I came back from training this afternoon. It's then that I see a small girl, about 17 years old, standing by the bathroom. I gasp in surprise. I don't know what this girl's doing-maybe poisoning my shampoo or something- but I know I won't like it. Suddenly, I realize that this girl has noticed me. At first I'm glad, thinking that she'll confess one she knows that she's been caught in the act, but then, when she scurries away with her cleaning fluid in hand, I realize that she's just an Avox.

"Sorry!" I whisper to empty space.

I pull on a nightgown and flop into bed. And when I whisper I hate this place!, I'm almost positive that nobody hears. Until a few seconds later, when the Avox peeks through the door, with a worried look on her face. Silently, she presses her finger to her mouth. Shhh....

I fall asleep wondering how different from the Avox I actually am.

 Author's Note: Hi! Long time, no see. :( And that's my fault. I'm SOOO sorry!! I know, I haven't uploaded in FOREVER. It's what, like a MONTH past the deadline now? I know, I should keep my promises. :( So... I'm setting another deadline. This time it's December 30th. I promise to notify you if there's any reason that I won't be able to do it on time. (eg, my mom deciding to put a ban on computer over break. (Which is kind of what happened this time around.) Thank you for reading!

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