Chapter 15

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I want to say something, but I can't. Have I done something wrong? What if this elevator is reserved for someone else? Am I even allowed to talk to him? I have no idea what the protocol for addressing gamemakers is. I guess I  could just wait for him to talk... but what if he wants me to say something first? To explain myself? 

I glance up at him, and see that he's talking to the girl next to him. Whispering, actually. Even though his voice is soft, I can still hear part of what he's discussing. Something about security cameras and climbing. 

I turn my head back down. He doesn't look upset really, but if he thinks I'm snooping, he might be. I wait like this for a minute or so, my neck cramping. 

"Rue," He finally says. "Rue, Rue, Rue." I'm in trouble. I know it. I probably wasn't even supposed to be on this elevator. I took it, thinking it would be fun, an adventure even, and now I'm standing here with the Head Gamemaker glaring down at me, probably fantasizing about how he'll murder me. Or force someone else to murder me. Or maybe he'll drive me insane? Oh, why did I even try this? 

"So, you decided to keep your little... talent... for climbing a secret, eh?" I stare at him, horrified. I have no idea how he figured out that I was climbing in the elevator, but he doesn't seem happy about it. 

Seneca Crane gestures to the micro security camera in the corner. 

"We picked up a shot of you on the rail of the elevator. Our technicians couldn't figure out how to fix the elevator, though. We're dealing with them now. Thankfully, one of techs had been down in Three and remembered that the children there did some fairly complex work with technology. So we called down Sofya here and the elevator was fixed in five minutes." I cautiously look up towards Sofya. She has silky,  black hair that's cut just at her ears. She's wearing a floaty, turquoise top and a sheepish smile. 

"The only issue that remains," Seneca Crane continues, reminding me that I should probably give him my full attention, "is you. You see, you've just demonstrated incredible wit and agility. This, of course, should add to your training score, which, I believe was originally... a seven. " He makes a face and chuckles. "Very good use of the supplies given to you, but I'm afraid you'll find that a slingshot isn't an optimal weapon to be skilled with in the arena. So, Rue, what do you think I should do?" I freeze. Does he want an answer? And if he does, what do I tell him? Well, Mr. Crane, I think it would be an excellent idea to call these Games off and let us go home! Don't you agree? 

"Personally, I think a better score for you would be a nine, don't you agree?" I don't know. Do I agree? A seven is a good score- a great score- for someone my size. At home, I'm just "Little Rue" or "That sweet little thing". Just "Rue" to my family and friends. I'm not the girl with the 9. Or even the girl with the 7. I'm the girl who the gamemakers only remember when they have to look up her name to announce her death on the first day. I've been spending my time trying to accept that. Maybe I should have been training to win instead. I really don't think I could kill anyone. But maybe I could stick it out until the very end. If I did somehow make it to the end, though, there would still be one person left. Traditionally, we'd have a huge fight, and one of us would kill the other... but what if I didn't attack them, and they didn't attack me? They'd have to end the Games at some point. Either that or just let one of us die from natural causes. I might actually stand a chance in these games. Though I do guess I would need a strategy if I wanted to survive. Something to guide me in my decisions. I'm good at flying under the radar. Other than climbing trees, maybe, that's what I'm best at. Everybody always told me that I should be more outgoing, that I should speak up a bit more. But maybe flying under the radar is what will help me survive. I look up towards Seneca Crane.

"Actually, Mr. Crane, could you keep it the way it was?" Seneca Crane looks startled for a moment. But then understanding seems to dawn on him, and he nods, smiling slightly. 

"Of course," he says smoothly. "Now, Sofya, I believe that it would be prudent for you to accompany Rue to her floor. That elevator could malfunction again, and I don't want to leave it up to our incompetent technicians to fix it." And with that, he leaves. 

The elevator doors close slowly, and Sofya and I watch Seneca Crane leave the hallway. At first I thought that maybe Sofya was a shy kind of person, but the second the doors close, she gives me another embarrassed smile and starts talking. Quickly. 

"Hi! I'm Sofya. I know Mr. Crane told you that, but he pronounced it wrong. It's actually sohfyah, not sofeeuh. But I guess that's how they'd pronounce it here. Everythings so different here. It's not even remotely similar to district three. There it's all just factories and blah. It's much prettier here. It's kind of a distraction from... well, you know... the Games and everything.The food's really great. I don't know about you, but in district three, we pretty much get oatmeal and grain. And it's all filled with technology and stuff to make it more nutritious. I think I might have almost electrocuted myself eating a roll once. I'm sorry. I know I talk a lot. We don't really get much of a chance in three to do that, 'cause we're not allowed to speak in the factories. How about you?" I grin shyly. I think Sofya is the first person I've met who hasn't just glared at me. Or licked their lips or something. (That was the boy from one. He kind of freaked me out with that.) 

"Well, we're allowed to talk, but we don't always get a chance." I reply. "We're usually pretty busy with the orchards. We-" The elevator door squeak open. 

"Well, I guess this is your floor," says Sofya. "Maybe we'll get a chance to talk again before... um..." She pauses awkwardly. "...Well, bye!" She smiles and waves, and I wave back. 

I have thought  a little about maybe allying with someone.  But not much of it was serious. I think I always just figured that I'd be dead before I could even decide who to trust. But now with Sofya... she might be the kind of person who I'd ally with. She seems smart. In a kind of strange way. And she's definitely the happiest person I've seen yet. 

I walk off the elevator, and into my room. It's too late for dinner, but I can skip meals. Right now I just want to get to bed. My nice, comfortable bed. I turn the lamp off, pull the sheets up, and allow myself to lose myself in the general safety, the comfort. 

And that's when I realize- I may be safe for now, I may not have died in that elevator, and I may feel a bit more confident about my chances in the Games, but I've left the frying pan... And I'm about to be pushed in to the hottest, most raging fire there is. 

Author's Note: Hi! Sorry this chapter is kind of drawn-out. I was originally planning to have some extra stuff happen between when she get's off the elevator and when she goes to bed, but I kind of thought it would be too long if I added it in. There will be time for that later. :) Anyway, how do you like Sofya? I'll probably put up a drawing of her in her interview dress soon :) Her and Rue, anyway. And possibly Katniss and Lokia. :P Oh,  and I also realized that the bad thing about writing a fanfiction where some of the more minor characters kind of cross over, is that you can get spoilers about what's going to happen to them from the original book. >.< Gah. So if you're reading the book, and happen to see the words "girl from three"... skip over them? Pleaseee? Thanks. :) Okay, the next deadline will be May 14th. Thank you so much for reading! :) 

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