Chapter 6

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I woke up and I got breakfast. After breakfast I started to pack, I had to start packing I'd been putting it off since that stupid drawing, but I didn't have a choice. It's not that I didn't want to go, I always wanted to have the chance to see what Earth was like but this was too dangerous. I had a week to say goodbye, and get ready to leave. I finished the last few parts of packing, and had the last two days to say goodbye. I stood up as May and Lillie walked into my room.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" May asked.

"A little nervous." I lied a little, I was a lot nervous.

"What did you win?" Lillie asked.

"I won a trip, but don't worry I'll be back soon."

"Ok." She skipped away and joined one of her friends.

"Are you excited at all?" May asked.

"I'm excited to see Earth, but I'm really scared."

"It's fine, we came here from Earth it's like the same thing but backwards."

"Ok, it's just how everyone's been saying how dangerous it is."

"You'll be fine, ok?"

"Yeah I guess and it's not like I have a choice anyway."

"I'll miss you while you're gone."

"I'll miss you too." We hugged each other and then walked out to get some lunch.

We ate lunch, and afterwards we took a walk over to the little kids and started playing with them. Since I'm leaving, I don't have to do my job anymore but I want to watch them. I always thought it was fun to play with the little kids. While we were watching them, a man walked up to me.

"It's time to say your final goodbyes, and it's time to go."

"I thought I had two more days."

"We finished plans early, and you're going tonight."

"Umm, ok I'll just say goodbye and then we can go."

We walked back to my room with May, and I got Michael and Lillie.

"Ok, I'm going away for a while and I wanted you to know that we will see each other again." I walked up to Michael. "Michael, I'm going to miss you little bro, but I'll see you soon." I walked to Lillie and put my hand on her shoulder. "I know we just recently met, and I know we will get to know each other better someday." She looked at me confused.

"Why are you saying goodbye? You're just going on a trip, you aren't going to be gone for very long."

"Yeah, I won't be long and I'll see you all soon."

"And May, I promise when I see you again I'll get to tell you all about Earth. I'll write you letters and I'll give them to you when I see you again."

"I'll be waiting for them."

"I'll write all about what happens during my days on Earth."

"I can't wait to see it myself."

I looked over and the man was signaling that it was time to go. I said one last goodbye to all of them and walked with him as they followed me. We walked to a rocket they had ready, and the man walked me up to where I was going to sit, but everyone else had to stay down on the ground. I sat in my seat, and took a deep breath as he walked up to me.

"Good luck. You are the first one."

He walked out and I got ready to launch as I heard the engine. In just a few seconds I felt the launch, and I was off the first planet I ever knew.

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