1: A dream

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Everything was black then all I saw was blue. I didn't exactly feel comfortable in my skin. I sat up and I was in a field. This place I was in didn't feel real to me what so ever.

I stood up and began to walk to what looked like a lake of mud. As I approached it I began to smell something familiar, I stuck my finger in the mud and smelt my finger. "Oooh, chocolate", I said smiling ear to ear.

"Indeed", a familiar, deep voice said behind me. I turned around and saw Sawyer, my bestfriend since preschool.

"Where are we?", I said confused as to why he's here also. He looked at me as if I should know and then smiled.

"You tell me..", he said as he grabbed my face and pulled me towards him. He was looking at me with passion as he pulled me in. For those few seconds I felt like he had feelings for me as more than friends.

At that moment I heard a noise, but I didn't know where it was coming from. It was as if an alarm was going off. Right when our lips were about to touch, my eyes opened.

I woke up to my light turned on and my little brother Michael standing at my doorway smiling. His smile reminds me of our mothers and it saddens me every time I see it, but I love to think of my little brother happy. It took my eyes a minute to adjust to the lighting. I looked around my room and the purple floral walls were much different from the pretty blue skies of the dream I was just in. "Hey, big sister", Mikey said, "Grandma says it's time to get up."

"I'll be down in ten, buddy" I said to my favorite little guy. Yesterday was his 5th birthday, the gang and I had a blast celebrating.

I get up and throw on a white tank top and black and white flannel and black jeans with white converse. I go to my bathroom and look in the mirror as I find my toothbrush and twist open the lid of the tube of toothpaste I find i have no time to deal with my untamable brown curls that fall above my shoulders. I brush my teeth and applied a minimal amount of make up that highlighted my green eyes. I also grabbed a brown hair tie and did a half up knot toward the back of my head. I unplugged my phone and checked the time, it was 7:15. "Oh my god, Sawyer's probably outside!", I said to myself.

I ran to the front door and opened it, there he was sitting in his 1967 classic cherry red mustang convertible. He got it for his sixteenth birthday when his grandfather put him in his will. This was our morning routine. Everyday he would get ready then go to pick up our friends and give me and extra twenty minutes to get dressed before he came back to our houses to get me. With Clay in the passenger seat and Brooke, Nick, and Sophia in the back seat. "C'mon Kiles, you can sit in Clays lap", Sawyer said acting like the jerk he is sometimes. He makes me think guys secretly have periods as well.

I got in and realized I didn't say goodbye to my grandparents. "Hang on guys, I forgot to say goodbye to gram and gramps", I said patting Clay on the forearm signaling for him to open the door.

My brother and I live with my grandparents because right after my dad knocked my mom up for the second time he ran off to be with the home wrecker he calls a wife now. And a couple years back my mom died in a car crash.

Both of them have missed out on the important stages of my life. Mikey has never known any thing about them other than the two years he and our mom spent together before she passed. Good thing her parents decided to take us in though, if not, I don't know where we would be. They moved in to our mom's house so that we didn't have to go through another dramatic experience by taking us out of our home too. That's how we stayed living next to sawyer all these years.

When Clay finally opened the door, I got out and went to give both my grandparents a kiss on the cheek and we traded 'I love you's and I was on my way, again.

I got back in and Sawyer pulled off. "Are you guys excited for the first day of our senior year?", Clay asked enthusiastically. A chorus of 'whooooooo's came from the backseat and I just sat there frowning.

"You okay Kiles? You look bummed.", Sawyer said trying to focus on me and the road at the same time.

"Yeah I'm good", I said still thinking about that dream I had. I still don't understand where I was or what was happening.

"You sure? You know if there is anything on your mind, you can talk to me." Sawyer said being sweet.

"And me", Brooke chimed in.

"Me as well"' Sophia said.

"Me too", Nick and Clay said in unison.

Sawyer flashed me that sweet signature 'Sawyer Smith grin'. All these years he's seen me through the worst times of my life including the death of my mother and abandonment by my dad. We've been best friends for as long as I can remember, but I think there's a small part of me that wants more..

It was a short ride to school and it was mostly filled with music along with the occasional talk and laughter. We pulled in to school and Sawyer parked the car at the parking spot closest to the door. As we got out everyone's attention landed on us, as always.

We walked through the front doors of the high school like we owned the place, but let's be real. We're seniors now... We do own this place. Today is different from any other time we've walked on these tiled floors. They're a surge of peer and energy going through my blood as I take each step knowing me and my squad are going to take this school year by storm.

We were kind of the "it" crowd. Sawyer is the star basketball player, and captain. Clay was assistant captain of their team. Everyone also knows Nick for his scholar grades. I'm captain Kylie of the volleyball team. Sophia is head cheerleader. We all have our own role. Brooke is the only one in our group who likes to stay out of the spot light, but she's still one of us. She makes "okay" grades and is the girlfriend of Nick Garrett.

The first day of senior year is a day to remember for most people. For us it will be the beginning of a very busy and stressful year. Trying to juggle college applications, sports, grades, friends, and dating all at once? Sounds difficult.... It will be.

I wish I could just go back to that place again. It seemed magical and I liked the feeling of being held so close to sawyer.

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