3: Rainbow Island

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For the third time now I saw blue. This place again, I don't know if I'm happy or sad. I want to see Sawyer but that kiss doesn't need to happen again. I don't need to gain more feelings than I already have for him. It doesn't need to be awkward.

I stood up and the first thing I saw was the chocolate lake. It looked rich and thick but still flowing. When I turned left of the lake, I saw a little house. It was small and it looked as if it was made of twizzlers, my favorite.

I walk toward the house onto a sidewalk made of graham cracker. The front door was made of sugar cookie, carven perfectly to the normal rectangular shape. I opened the chocolate chip doorknob and someone grabbed me around the waist.

I screamed in fear, I closed my eyes as they turned me around to face them. I opened my eyes to see Sawyer. He looked amazing. His dirty blonde hair was flowing in the gentle wind, his lips were curved perfectly into a smile. He was wearing a light blue, long sleeve, button up polo that was slightly too big for him with the sleeves rolled up. Cargo shorts that were light pink and not tacky at all with his shirt.

Sawyer, he looked astonishing. "Hey Kiles. Want me to show you around?", he said nonchalantly.

"Wh-where are we?", I said slightly stuttering. "We're at the only place that we can be together. We're here, where you can love me and I can love you, without a soul caring. Where we can tell and show each other how we really feel." Sawyer said, looking passionately into my eyes like I always wished he would before.

I stood there, shocked by what he said. At least he feels for me here. I don't want to wake up, not from this, not from him. "No Sawyer. Where are we?", I said getting frustrated and wanting to know what this actually was. This strange place.

"Look up", he said smiling and pointing upward.

From where we were standing, there was a spot right above us where the clouds had separated. In that spot, you could see several colors side-by-side. "I call it, 'rainbow island'. See, the equator is made out of multiple colors, like a rainbow.", he said with his voice getting raspy.

I stood there staring at how beautiful his eyes were. Then he started to fade. He faded and faded until I was looking at nothing. What just happened? I stood there shocked, eventually I got over it. I mean, it's just a dream right? He isn't actually gone. It just took me by surprise.

I started to walk away from the house, when something caught my eye. I turned to look back at what I saw. I saw a tree, it was glistening in the sunlight. Surrounding it was a pool of clearish pink water that was glistening also.

I walked towards it, but I stopped a couple yards away taking in the beauty. "They call it the tree of secrets.", someone said behind me. I turned around to see a unicorn again. Not as shocked as the first time but still amazed.

It wasn't the same one. This one was purple. Not an ugly purple but light purple. I turn back around to look at the tree again as the she began to talk. "People say that if you tell the tree a name, it will tell you any secret that the person has about you", the unicorn said. She had a motherly voice, not my mothers voice though. If that happened I honestly don't know if I would be happy to hear it again or just cry because I missed her so much.

"Any name?", I said thinking about how Sawyer felt for me. I turn around to see why she hasn't answered but she was gone. Then everything went black. I woke up to the darkness of my room. I looked to my right and reached for my phone on my night stand. I hit the home button which illuminated my room with the bright light from my screen. It caused pain to come to my eyes as I checked what time it was.

4:15 am

I still had an hour and a half until I got up to get ready for school. I attempted to go back to sleep to have the same dream but I couldn't manage to accomplish that goal. I was too nervous about the dreams I was having and just kept thinking about them instead of actually sleeping.

I got on my phone again and this time it hurt my eyes a little less. I put my finger on the button for my iPhone 6s to read my finger print. It unlocked to my home screen and I slid my finger up to make the tab come up where I could lower my brightness.

Just then I clicked safari and looked up cites that might have information on recurring dreams. I wanted to know why every time I slipped off into deep sleep I entered the same imaginary place that I'm coming to enjoy.

Google was no help to me. I couldn't seem to find any information on what I searched that included the same exact place but different actions each time. At this point it was 5:30 am. I decided to get on Instagram for fifteen minutes until I absolutely had to get up to get ready for school.

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