Chapter 17

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The next few days I spent mostly inside. I was trying to avoid getting myself into trouble like the first time I decided to leave the hotel room. I mostly spent my time reading or watching TV. It wasn't as relaxing as it sounds, because I frequently got texts from Stephanie.

They were also random and had no true meaning behind them. At first I thought she had wanted to ask me a genuine question, but it now just seemed like she just wanted an excuse to talk to me. I didn't understand it. Is that what texts are really used for?

I still thought about the kiss and blushed every time I thought about it. I had not ever thought I would be kissed anytime soon, so it was still a big shock to me. It wasn't anywhere near as pleasant as books described it, so it was a bit disappointing.

I almost fell asleep multiple times, which was strange considering it was only around noon today. I thought back to how I slept and realized I didn't really sleep that well. Cal was awake a lot and had the TV on. I wondered how much sleep he got, because it couldn't have been a lot. I didn't get to see how tired he was, because he was already gone like he usually was when I woke up.

I ended up singing a song I had stuck in my head to keep myself awake. It was a song I used to sing in the forest a lot, but had forgotten when I came to the city. I was still drifting off since the song was very soft.

"I know you..." I sang softly to myself. I was getting drowsier by the second, but I suddenly jerked awake by the sound of a voice.

"You have a nice voice," a soft voice complimented me. I quickly jerked around and saw Laura standing in the doorway with a purse hanging on her arm. She was dressed in casual clothing. "I hope you don't mind, you left the door partially open." I blinked when I remembered that I did leave the door open a bit, because it was a bit warm in the room.

"No, it's fine. Please come in." I got up and gestured to the couch. She smiled at me politely and walked to sit on the couch. "Can I get you anything?"

"No that's fine. I hope you don't mind the intrusion. It's just that, I'm not really involved in all of Bill's business. I've been sitting around for the most part while the boys are out doing what they need to." I let out a chuckle.

"Yeah, same..." I wanted to face palm for my ridiculous answer. Laura smiled a bit before her face became more serious.

"I know it's none of my business, but Bill and Cal had been discussing you a bit while at important meetings and such. Between themselves, I mean. Bill has always been a little meddlesome, and I suppose I've caught onto that a bit myself." She gave a slight smile. I smiled back even though I was curious to know what she was leading to. "They were discussing your parents, and how you believe them to be dead. But you look so familiar to me, Rory."

"I do?"

"Yes, like a young boy of a close friend I once knew." My heart sounded louder as it beat faster in my breath. I felt like all I could hear was my breath, so I tried to make it quieter.


"I don't believe your parents to be dead, Rory. Of course, I need to know you're full name." Laura's eyes flickered all over my face as she studied my features. I paused for a second, and thought about what she was telling me. I never actually knew if my parents were dead or not, but knowing this would change  absolutely everything.

"Rory Rose. Rory Brier Rose," I told her in a quiet voice. Her eyes widened before they relaxed again. She nodded and had a smile on her face.

"Rory Brier Rose..." She repeated in a soft voice. She didn't show any emotion but her eyes continued to study me. "It makes so much sense now. You look just like her..."

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