Part 4

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          King Varian was sitting in his bedroom, restless. As soon as Arthas and Anduin entered, he attempted to get to his feet to attack his friend, but the cuffs on his wrists and ankles were attached to his chair, which was attached to the wall. Instead, he flopped around like a fish for a moment until he gave up.

          Arthas approached the king, who hissed like a cat as he struggled to free himself from his bonds. "Traitor... murderer... undead WRETCH!" he spat. 

          Arthas, feeling the aura of a powerful spell induced poison, immediately recognized the mark of Sylvanas. She had certainly grown more powerful since last he had seen her, but never powerful enough to cheat him out of a spell of his own making.

          Reluctantly, Arthas tapped into his old powers and immediately felt the blast of icy air that had once been so comforting. He murmured a few words and focused his energy. When his mind returned to his body, Varian looked completely different. He looked older than ever, with stress lines marking his weathered face, and he seemed to be completely spent of energy. His eyes, however, were renewed.

          Unsteadily, the king got to his feet, to everyone's surprise. He turned to the guards and nodded to them; bowing, they left the room. Then he turned back to his son and friend.

          "Arthas. Thank you. That wretch of an elf, Sylvanas... I don't know what would have become of me if you hadn't come along," the king said gruffly.

          "Varian, I have come to-" 

          "I know what you came to do. I may have been possessed when you came to the throne room, but I could process words just the same. You are pardoned."

          There was a moment of silence. Then Anduin spoke. 

          "Father, please think about what you are doing. This man may have been your friend, but the things he has done-"

          "You will make a good king someday, Anduin, but today is not that day," Varian interrupted. "Now, leave us. I will speak to you later." 

          The prince, though dissatisfied, left without complaint. The king chuckled. "The boy has spirit, I'll give him that," he said. "But he is not ready to be a king. Not yet."

          "Varian, I must ask... Why are you sparing me?"

          The king's countenance grew serious. "You have done terrible things. I cannot forgive you for that. But you are my friend and I know you, Arthas. You would never be so clever as to fake your forgiveness as Arthas and go behind my back as the Lich King. I know you mean what you say."  

          Arthas frowned. 

          "That does not mean I trust you completely, you understand," Varian continued. "You won't be leading any raiding parties or reading battle plans. But no matter what we have done in the past, we always deserve another chance. Just one. You hear me?"

          Arthas nodded, feeling like a child being scolded for making a mess. 

          "You're a force to be reckoned with, good or evil," the king mused. "I hope you'll help me wreak havoc on my enemies."

          "Are you asking me to continue using my Lich King powers?" Arthas asked incredulously.

          "I'm commanding you to continue using your Lich King powers," the king responded breezily. "You're going to do as much good for the Alliance as you did bad for your Scourge."

          Arthas's laugh was a rumble. "Hopefully much more good than bad."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2016 ⏰

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