Starting school

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Reenesmees pov

I woke up to my alarm it was 6:30 I went and took a shower because i didn't have one last night. I feel really good today like I can't blink or I will miss something really good, I feel happy like all my troubles went away, I feel great. I went down stairs to have some breakfast and found pancakes and strawberrys on the table. I ate them then went upstairs to get ready this is my first ever day at high school. I wore a purple tank top and jeans with a black jumper I went to the bathroom and put a very little amount of makeup on because I am already flawless as a vampire. As I finish getting ready I went to the family room where grandpa carsile and grandma Esme was explaining school.

Our family has a story that we tell people if the ask about us and everyone but grandpa and grandma are going to school even Jacob it will be hard to go to school with him but I will live "Well kids your story this time is that rose and jasper are twins taking the last name hale, Emmet, Alice and Edward will be siblings taking the name Cullen Bella and reenesmee are sisters taking the name swan and Jacob is a family friend that we adopted after both his parents died in a car crash" said grandpa. We all nodded in agreement the whole time I could feel Jacobs eyes on me and It didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. "Edward and rose are Seniors, Emmet, Bella, alice and jasper are juniors and Reenesmee and jake are sophomores is that ok with everyone?" Grandma asked in her loving tone "yes" we all replied at once.

It was now 7:30 and we all headed off to school I went with mum,dad and Jacob in dads gray Nissan. Antie Alice, uncle jasper, antie rose, and uncle em were going in uncle Emmett's jeep the hardest part of today for me will be calling all of my family by there first names.

As we arrived at school I started to become nervous what if I don't fit it? What if they don't like me? I was pulled out of my thoughts from my dad. "Ren listen to me they will love you and if you think you won't fit in just link how hard it will be for the rest of the family and when you feel down just think I will hear everyone's thoughts if they don't like me or the family I'm the one that had to listen to it all the time". Ren is what my family call me now that I don't like Nessie or ness but jake still calls me them I don't answer back though I'm starting to miss him but we were together in the past now I need to concentrate on the Life ahead for me.

As we drive through the school gates all eyes were on the 'new rich people with the nice cars' as I heard someone call us as we were parking the car. As I was opening the car door I heard Jacob groan "no one better come neer my Nessie" that made me smile he still likes me maybe I do have a chance to get him back.


Sorry it was short I have been writhing a new book because I think this book is really lame if you want me to keep writing please convince me. I really don't like this book if more then 5 different people tell me that's it's good then I will keep going;)

Btw my new book is called 'wanting you (a Paul Lahote love story)'

If you wanted to check it out and I really am starting to like that book so I will not be canceling that one even if 100 people tell me they hate it!!

bye for now :)


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