Night and Day

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The sun and the moon cross the sky everyday.

The sun casts a bright light on the world by day,

The moon casts a dim glow by night.

The day is bright and pretty,

The night is dark and dangerous.

The day is a time for your to go out and play,

The night is a time where inside you must stay.

The day gets much more credit on beauty than the night,

But the night is more beautiful in it's own dark way.

The day may have it's ball of fire in the sky, birds singing, and blooming flowers,

But the night has so much more to offer.

The night has bright stars, dark sky, a beautiful face on the moon, and more.

The moon's soft glow lulls people to a gentle rest at night.

The night is the twisted beautiful time of day that I love.

Beautiful in every way,

With small flaws which are worth it in the end.

So this is to you my darkest night.

With love from I your brightest day.

Hey guys again sorry for the late update I had everything typed and stuff but didn't publish. Sorry again. Like I said PM me or spam the comments so I don't forget. I have a few more poems prepared and stuff. Thanks for reading guys. Bye for now!

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