Tears of a Broken Girl

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She cries not because she is weak,

But because she has been strong for too long.

She is broken, beaten, tired and afraid,

She continues on everyday.

Alone yet not,

Picking up the shattered, scattered pieces of what was her heart.

Heart wrenching as it may be there is magic in the water dripping from her eyes,

It is rare to see,

But to see it could shake the toughest of souls. 

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This poem was co-written with my best friend frostmanXD1. I think you guys would really like her books. She has these awesome drawing  books where she posts stuff that she draws (she is EXCELENT).  Thanks for reading this from both of us. I AGAIN apologize for the late update. I wish I could say that I am gonna have time to update but I will be going to Drivers Ed soon and that lasts for a week or two then I have to take a test and there is more but I don't ant to bore you with the details of my life. but I have one more poem prepared that I will update when I have time other than that I will write poems and stuff when inspiration comes as corny a that sounds. thanks for staying with me I hope you will stay with me for a while more. Bye guys!


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