(7) Skylar

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Hey Guys!!

Okay, first off... SHOUT OUTS!! :D

1. xXxLauraxXx - For being an ace best friend, and you'd kill me if I didn't mention you (:

2. Sanjana, Jamjarz, Lilmizztypist, Ishy01, Jemsparkle, Serina_528, Ruqayyah, Nicollettenikki, Lampshade 37, Rgbhanderi, and uhmm...Ohh, w/e!! ANYONE WHO'S COMMENTED ON MY STORY/VOTED/FANNED. - I LOVE YOU GUYS!! (: *Yes, you have permission to scream at me if I haven't mentioned you!! xD* <33

I really appreciate everyone's support and I love receiving advice from you guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter :D xx

Oh, and I have damn science tests on Thursday, so I may not be able to write as much.. *cries* Stupid revision!!

Anyways.. Sorry for rambling! xx

Chapter Seven

*** Corinne ***

I'd killed Gingy.

The knowledge pressed against my mind, crushing every other coherent thought. I sat up in bed, eyes wide and staring. No matter what I did, the only thing I could see was Gingys' face as it was the last time I'd seen him. I'd killed someone.


No, it wasn't possible. But...there was no other explanation. Gingy had been annoying and unhygienic, but he was a stickler for the rules. The crash wouldn't have been caused by him speeding, or by him drink driving, or by anything else like that. By stealing the parts I'd caused the van to malfunction or something, and that was how it'd happened.

"No, no, no, no..." I groaned, tears trickling down my face. But deep inside my mind, an evil little voice kept on saying 'Yes, yes, yes, yes...'

*** Skylar ***

"Earth to Skylar...Hello?" asked a familiar voice.

"Huh?" I mumbled, cracking my eyes open. Somehow I'd been transported up to my room, and I was curled up in a tight ball under my covers like a...well, I don't know what. I blinked and unfurled my legs, stretching out luxuriously.

Then I realised who was sitting by my bed.

"Oh, uh...Hey, Andre." I mumbled, blushing. I better not have been snoring. Oh, lord.

"Welcome to the land of the living." He grinned, running a hand through his messy blond hair. He was slouched in my desk chair, legs propped up on the end of my bed. Make yourself at home, why don't you! I thought.

Then I did a double take as I looked around my room. It'd been cleaned. And it wasn't one of those half-arsed jobs where someone'd just shoved everything into a corner, either. All my stuff had been rearranged neatly around my room, the floor had been hoovered and even the dusting had been done.

"Jeez, who's the spring cleaning fairy?" I asked, astonished. Andre shrugged and yawned, looking around like he'd only just noticed my room was no longer a bomb site.

"Mrs. Cane, I guess. She feels sympathetic towards you since you were in that crash...And you know how she's kinda OCD about cleaning things." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed, grabbing onto his shoulder as a wave of dizziness hit over me.


"You okay?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded, letting go of him.

"What happened last night? All I remember is being taken into the kitchen by Mrs. Cane... And how come you're in here, anyway?" I asked. Not that I didn't appreciate it or anything, but he usually just nodded at me in the hallway and kept silent (Joseph was the one who argued with me).

"Oh, uh...You kinda passed out in the kitchen, so I had to carry you upstairs...and I just came to check on you, seeing as me and the others owe you big style." He looked embarrassed, and I groaned inwardly. Carried. Up. The. Stairs. By. Andre.

I'd never hear the end of it.

"Why d'you owe me?" I asked, puzzled.

"You saved our butts at the hospital by coming up with that crazy plan of yours." He flashed me a smile and stood up, about to leave. "So, yeah...thanks. We'll have to make it up to you somehow." He said, and left. I ran a hand through my hair and sat down on my bed again, thinking.

"Just don't give me digs on my birthday." I said out loud, even though he'd already gone. I'd be seventeen in a few weeks. I laughed and went over towards my wardrobe, thinking about the warm shower I'd soon be enjoying.


In less than an hour later, I'd had my shower and was sitting downstairs eating my breakfast. Damn, you really can't beat a good bowl of Rice Krispies in the morning.

"Ohh, Andre! Hold me closer, I'm so cold and-" The high pitched voice stopped abruptly as I aimed my spoon at Josephs' head. "Ow! Son of a bitch!" He yelled.

I smiled sweetly and blew him a kiss. "Daughter, actually."

"Ugh." He grunted, and shuffled away. I bent and retrieved my spoon from the floor, before balancing it precariously on top of a pile of dirty dishes. Ha, Mrs. Cane would go nuts when she saw that no one had washed up.

I turned and saw Corinne about to go into the Common room, and paused. I sighed and called her over, deciding I needed to say something to her.

"Hey, kid." I said fondly, ruffling up her hair. Usually she would have growled and tried to bite me, but this morning she just stared up at me with a blank expression on her impish face. I ignored the feeling that something was up and plunged straight in. "Look, Corinne...What happened yesterday at the hospital was serious, but you got us out of it in the end. I just want to say that I think you should cool it down a bit, and I'm worried about you. We might not be so lucky next time. Please, don't do it again. You might get sent away or something, and...and..." I waved my arms around, searching her face for some sign of acknowledgment.

"I'm sorry, Sky." She mumbled, and smiled sadly at me. "I'll try to be more normal in the future."

I watched as she walked away, frowning. No...If she was normal, she wouldn't be Corinne anymore. Argh, I'd totally worded what I'd said wrong. And she looked so...so sad. Like she'd lost her spark.

I decided I'd have another chat with her later, and went and watched TV in the common room with the others. Joseph made kissing sounds at me as I sat down, but otherwise everyone was quiet. Immature jerk, all Andre'd done was carry me up the stairs.

A few hours went by in the blink of an eye as we watched film after film. The kid's must have rented half the bloody rental store out that afternoon, but we had fun.

"Skylar! Where's Sky?" Charlie yelled, running into the common room with a note in his hand. I stood up, alarmed at how flustered he was. What the frick?

Unable to speak, he shoved the note at me and leaned back against the wall. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I read;

'Sky, if it's you reading this then please don't blame yourself. This was my own decision. I love all you guys, but I've got to go before I drag you into more trouble. Don't worry about me!'

I stared at the note, paralysed. I'd recognize Corinne's scruffy hand writing anywhere.

"Sky...?" Andre said, coming up behind me. I let out a shuddering breath I didn't know I'd been holding, and turned to look at him.

"It's Corinne. She's ran away." I whispered. His eyes widened in disbelief and he opened his mouth to say something, but I didn't want to hear it.

I darted out of the common room, shouting for someone to inform Mrs. Cane about what was going on. I stopped for a second, thinking furiously. Corinne couldn't have gotten very far.

Without waiting for the others, I yanked open the front door and started sprinting down the street.

Oh, God. I'm sorry Corinne.

What the hell had I done!?

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