Secret Club

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"I can't believe that she won't let us use magic!" Hermione exclaimed breathlessly when out of earshot of Umbridge, she was furious as was everyone else in the miserable class, including Harry. "How are we supposed to learn anything when she gives us nothing to learn. No spells, nothing important just "ministry" approved books." She stopped, thinking and then looked at Harry.
"I have a plan, but I need you to help Harry." Then she turned and walked briskly to the library with Ron and Harry rushing after her seeking answers.

"You can't 'Mionie, no one would want me to teach them, I'm a liar in everyone's eyes" Harry said, not bothering to try and hide his bitterness.
"Yes they will! You are the best person for this, you know more than anyone the importance of defensive spells not to mention you're a really powerful wizard" Hermione's words were almost convincing.
"But if we're caught then anyone who actually joined wou..."
"Harry James Potter when have you ever cared about breaking the rules? Please Harry, we all need this if we're going to survive an attack from you-know-who"
Harry sighed, it made sense of course it did, Hermione was always right no matter how much Harry tried to believe differently. Maybe it will be worth it.
"Okay, I'll do it..."
Hermione's face lit up and she launched forward hugging him tightly then picked up the dusty library books she had chosen and put them in her backpack which Harry was sure had a spell to make it bigger on the inside. "Let's go to Potions"

Dark, gloomy, grim. Professor Snape. He really did hate Harry, forcing him to sit beside his loathsome enemy for the second time today. "Today we will be making the bonding potion, now it will be very weak but still take caution. As you should all know this is merely physical, no mental bonds are made, good luck"
Harry sucked at potions, and Snape had put him with the potion genius, could this day get any worse?
"Here chop this, and make sure this is crushed" Malfoy ordered but Harry wasn't really listening, he was thinking about Sirius. He needed to talk to him.
"Where's the.. Potter did you crush the last ingredient?"
Harry looked up and suddenly he realised his mistake but not before his mistake realised his predicament and exploded. Right on him and Malfoy.

"If you had just listened for one second Potter, we wouldn't be in this situation"
"If you would just shut up for one second Malfoy, maybe we could get out of this situation"
"That's not going to happen Potter, you really are quite dim aren't you? This" He raised his left hand which was now physically stuck to Harry's right hand "can't be fixed with an antidote" The way the potion had splashed made both Harry's and Malfoy's wrists to be stuck together for the time being, it was stuck in such an awkward way that both parties knew the only way it would be comfortable would be if they held hands. As if.

"Ah Mr Potter, I'm glad to see you've stuck well to Draco, as it is, he is correct. You can't fix this with an antidote so you two, thanks to Harry's mistake, can enjoy being stuck together like that for Twenty four hours. Class dismissed"

They walked, shoulders slumped, as far apart as they could without pain, to lunch. This is great, how am I supposed to write? Eat do anything?
"This is all your fault Potter"
"Oh shove off Malfoy"
"I wish I could but unfortunately I'm stuck to this mutt"
"I don't see how you could possibly do that without a mirror" Harry retaliated, glaring for extra measure.
Both boys huffed and Malfoy dragged him down with him to the Slytherin table and then proceeded to ignore him and talk to Blaise.
It was hard to eat with your left hand Harry thought while nearly dropping his food for the fifth time. To make matters worse, he couldn't really feel his right hand anymore but he could still feel his arm shaking slightly from the effort of holding it away from Malfoy. This is going to be fun.

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