The Game

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"What are you writing Potter, are those even letters?" Malfoy hissed in Harry's ear in Transfiguration.
"Unless you didn't notice I'm not left handed, Malfoy"
"Is that an s, no wait it's an a. Actually I can't tell it looks like a three year olds writing"
"Shut up"
"Ohhh feisty Potter, what are you going to do? Write me a poorly written death threat? Even so, I wouldn't be able to read it and I'm not talking about the left handed writing" Malfoy teased.
Malfoy was being a git so Harry did what Malfoy really ought to have deserved, a sharp elbow in the ribs.
Harry did it again, harder this time.
"Stop it" hissed Malfoy.
Harry did it once more, for good measure obviously.
"Potter I said stop it" Malfoy ordered.
"Make me" Harry retaliated. Malfoy glared. Suddenly the class was dismissed, and in the flurry of the movement Harry was dragged by a furious Malfoy out the door and into an abandoned classroom.

Suddenly his arms were being pinned behind his back and his face was being pressed into the cobblestone wall. He struggled but it was useless, Malfoy had him stuck. Harry should have felt scared but on the contrary he was excited, yet he had no reason why.
"Potter, if you are going to be stuck to me for the rest of the day and more you will need to stop being such a brat! All you have done all day is annoy me and I don't have patience for you. Actually I have no patience at all so unless you want to be killed then I highly suggest you cut it out"
"I'm going to be killed anyway Malfoy so why don't you do it and take the pleasure" Harry said, not hiding the darkness laced in his words.
Malfoy's grip slacked slightly, but just enough for Harry to escape from and pin Malfoy to the wall instead. Malfoy's hands were up above his head and he was kept in place by Harry's weight forced down on him.

Malfoy gasped in surprise at the turn of events and then glared. "Can you just shut up for one second Malfoy?"
Malfoy waited one heart beat then spoke "There one second"
"Shut up"
"No, I don't think that"
"Shut up Malfoy"
"Stop interrupting me!"
"Then don't talk in the first place!"
"No! Potter, let me g"
"Shut up!"
"Make me" Malfoy challenged.
But a challenge was a challenge and Harry was going to take up this challenge.
"Fine then I will" Harry said putting a smirk on at the end and moving closer to Malfoy. Malfoy panicked, you could see it in his eyes, the way he was trapped, the way he couldn't stop anything. He struggled but with no avail.

Malfoy supposed he could turn his head but there was something holding him back, although he did not know what. "What are you trying to do Potter, Its almommph"
Potter was kissing him. This really was torture, well except that his lips really were quite nice.. He couldn't help but make a strangled, surprised noise that Potter, unless he was imagining, smirked at. Draco really ought to kiss back but something was off about this, potter's eyes were open, and it looked like he was playing a game. He held Draco's eyes and then without any warning pushed up with his knee towards a part of Draco that enjoyed it and made his gasp. And then Malfoy knew exactly what the game was, especially when Potter slid his tongue into Draco's mouth. who would give in first. Who would close their eyes first.
Well if it was a game then Draco ought to win so he kissed back, startling Potter who made the same surprised noise Malfoy had made earlier. Using this to his advantage he started grazing Potter's bottom lip gently. He knew how good that felt and bingo, Potter's eyes shut in pleasure. He had won. But they hadn't stopped. They were in rhythm now, and Draco had to admit it felt brilliant, although he would deny it later. Then Potter grazed Malfoy's bottom lip, and Malfoy surrendered. It was after all better to kiss when you're unaware of the dusty classroom in front of you.
But then Malfoy could smell Harry wait, Potter and taste him and feel him and he enjoyed it. But it was over soon, perhaps too soon but Malfoy would never say that aloud.

There was an awkward silence where both of them just looked at each other, Malfoy somehow had enjoyed that, and judging by the dilated pupils Harry, no Potter had too. This was all quite confusing. But at least one thing was clear to Malfoy "I won".

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