Into the Dark

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I wake up to freezing cold water slamming onto my face. "LEO STORMS," I shriek knowing that he was the only one that could control water here. I open my eyes and see Jason, Jacob, and Jack laughing."Leo you're so going to die man!" Jason says.

A heated gust of wind blows around me as a meek voice quietly says, "Please don't kill me, they told me to wake you up," I turn around and see Leo standing there. "You can live ... for now," I finish darkly. I look around see that we are missing two people, "Where's Sasha and Jake?" I ask.

Sasha comes out of the forest we exited and says, "Don't worry guys I said before I left that I was going to the bathroom," she says smiling. "Good to see you awake Rose," she says. "But where is Jake?" Lizzy asks and everyone looks around once more.

"Sorry guys," Jake says coming out of the forest. "I just didn't want to be around if they went through with their idiotic plan to wake you up," he says looking at me. "Who you callin' idiotic?" Leo exclaims glaring at Jake. "Well Storms considering you're the only one here dumb enough to do something like that I would-," Jake's eyes darken and the air heats up. "Ladies put the claws away, you're both beautiful," I say looking at them.

Jake suddenly jumps away from Leo, dangerous aura disappearing. "Leo, I'm sorry," he says, " I don't know what overcame me." "Dude," Leo says, "you're fine it's not like you hurt me or anything." Jake just looks at the ground in response. Sensing the tension in the air I say, "You all ready to go?" I ask.

"Sure you don't need any more rest?" Brianna asks. "I'm-," "Fine, we know," Lizzy finishes for me. "Let's get moving!" We all begin walking in the correct direction. "Hey let's play a game," Jason exclaims, "One hundred bottles of milk of the wall, one hundred bottles of milk, take one down, pass it around, ninety nine bottles of milk on the wall," Jason sings.

"Don't tell me you're going to let him do this," Sasha complains. "He won't go all the way through with it," I reply, "He'll be bored before he hits the seventies,"

Three Hours Later

"Negative eight hundred fifty four million, four hundred seventy two thousand, six hundred thirty one bottles of milk on the wall, negative eight hundred fifty four million, four hundred seventy two thousand, six hundred thirty one bottles of milk, take one down, pass it around, negative eight hundred fifty four million, four hundred seventy two thousand, six hundred thirty two bottles of milk one the wall," Jason sings chirpily.

"He'll get bored before he hits the seventies," Sasha says mimicking my voice. Right then and there I made a decision that probably saved my life. "Prince Jason Evergreen Springs, don't make me come back there and shut your trap for you!" I exclaim. "That's King to you peasant," he says cockily.

I turn around and grab the collar of his shirt, "I am older than you, stronger than you, and more powerful than you, do you really want to go there," I growl. "Sure old lady," he replies smirking. "You've been hanging out with Jack too much haven't you?" I say smirking. "Probably," he replies.

"Woah, woah, woah, Why didn't he nearly get killed?" Leo exclaims. "Because I'm like her baby brother," Jason exclaims proudly. "Yeah something like that. And might I point out that older sisters have permission to punch their little brothers if they get on there nerves," I say warningly. Jason pales instantly. "Don't brag it's rude," I say and we start arguing. Soon enough the others join in as well. 

"Hey guys," Lizzy says but we ignore her. "I don't see why I can't be rude you've been rude most of today," Jason says, "Remember that punching thing," I warn. "Hey guys," Lizzy tries again with no response. "You at least-," "GUYS!" Lizzy shrieks. "WHAT?" we all exclaim in unison. She points behind us on the horizon. Black fire is blazing across the plains.

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