Last part - Now you noticed me!

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Dahyun was walking at the park. Bambam who has followed her from her house only watched her movements.

"Why you never noticed me Dahyun??" He talked to himself.

Then, Dahyun sat on the park bench. She was looking at her phone. Twice, thrice...and now almost fourth times.

'Why does she keeps on looking at her phone?' Bambam whispered to himself.

'When will you called me or text me??' Dahyun's thought to herself.

'I'm so shy to text you!' They say it in their hearts at the same time.

😞'Will you never call me anymore?' Dahyun whispered in her heart.

😩 'I want to call you so bad, but what if you don't like me?' Bambam's heart cried.

They decide to call each other at the same time. So they couldn't reach each other. That time, Bambam was standing with his back on Dahyun that he didn't notice that Dahyun was already behind him.

Then, when Bambam turned back to look Dahyun again, he was so surprised to look at Dahyun in front of him. Dahyun has found him.

"What are you doing here?" Dahyun asked.

"Actually I'm following you....from your house until here" Bambam replied honestly with an embarrassing feeling.

"What!?" Dahyun acted as if she was surprised.

"I'm sorry," Bambam said.

"Sorry for what? You are not planning on stalking me right?" Dahyun joked.

"No. I'll never be that bad." He said while waving his hands in front of him.

"Then promise me." Dahyun's words made Bambam shocked.

"Promise what?" Bambam asked. He was not ready if Dahyun is going to reject him.

"Promise me you'll not going to find or look at other girls than me," Dahyun stated.

Finally, the smiled that have been hiding for a while came out.

"I promise." Bambam pinky swore and linked his little finger with Dahyun's little finger. Dahyun smiled shyly. She tried to hide it but she couldn't.

"Actually, the truth.....I know that you are following me. I noticed you have been following me from my house to here." Dahyun told the truth.

"That means, now you noticed me!" Bambam said happily.

"Maybe...and I realized that I have been confused with my own feeling to Yugyeom. He is too caring and I feel like he is my oppa and I love him as my oppa and not my namchin (boyfriend). Also, thank you for only focusing on me all the time." Dahyun spilled everything that she needed to tell.

"So, you realize that you are confused with your own feeling and make up your mind to accept my heart?" Bambam still feeling insecure.

"This time I should be more mature. I'm almost 19 years old next year." Dahyun said. Bambam nodded and ruffled Dahyun's hair.

"Also, I have you by my side. So, I don't think that my life will be harder like before." Dahyun said smiling.

"Do you mean it? Really mean it?" Bambam asked with a cheeky smile plastered on his face.

Dahyun nodded also with a cute smile on her face.

They were walking together to go home. They also promised to not fight into something unnecessary again.

While they were walking, Dahyun asked Bambam,

"Why do you like me?"

"Because you're amazing. You still young but you're smart. I'm so amazed by that. Second, you have a common interest. You like fashion and I like fashion too. Also, I like it when you growled with my behavior. I like to see that angry face of yours." Bambam replied followed by chuckled.

"You know what? You have bad behavior." Dahyun said.

"Why is that?" Bambam asked. Surprised to heard that.

"You like to bully me." Dahyun pouted.

"You know what? I like to bully you because you are too cute and it's because I like you." Bambam replied.

"So, will you stop bullying me after this?" Dahyun begged with her hands.

"Hmm...I think, no!" Bambam happily replied to Dahyun who looked away.

"Why?" She asked frustratedly.

"As I said, you are too cute when you angry," Bambam stated with laughed.

"Okay then, I'll make sure you get the revenge. Don't be too happy!" Dahyun said half-joking and half-angry. She couldn't stay mad at Bambam.

"Okay, we'll see who will win!" Bambam replied still with his laugh.

"That's my home... Bye!" Dahyun bid Bambam a goodbye.

"Oh...have we arrive already? Then, bye...see you at school tomorrow I have to tell everyone at school that you're mine!" Bambam said with a happy smile.

"Don't you dare to do that! Just tell them who closed with us or other girls will cry." Dahyun said laughing.

"You must come tomorrow!" Bambam said still not over the thought of announcing it to everyone.

"I know, okay!" Dahyun replied and entered her house while shook her head 

She waved at Bambam and Bambam waved back.

Finally, Dahyun has noticed that Bambam always there by her side and accepted his feeling. Mina and Yugyeom are also happy for them.


Now we're at the end of the story, and thank you for reading it until the end of the story and I'm sorry if you are not satisfied with the ending. Actually I'm still new in this and please leave a comments and tell what you think about this story. Again, thank you and I'm sorry. Vote for this story...❤❤❤

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