"J Hole...?"

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  "What the hell?" I hear screams come from the kitchen. That must mean Molly and Joel are back oh great. "Hi mom, hi dad." Harper places her hands on her stomach; I can see her fingers crossed hoping that her parents won't find out about the rager and only about the caved in living room. "What the hell?" Joel repeats again. "Explain yourselves now."

"I didn't do anything it was all her." I don't mean to throw Harper under the bus but it was kind of her fault Eli was high in the first place... Jake is her friend after all. Well maybe that sounds better in my mind. "Are you kidding me that boy is your friend!" Harper looks like she could throw me at any second. "What boy?" Molly cracks her knuckles expectantly. "If somebody doesn't tell me exactly what happened the money to pay for the house will be coming out of your pockets."

I open my mouth to speak but Harper cuts me off, "Um well you see Kaia wanted to throw a party to meet people so of course I said yes. And that boy the one who she's been doing it with he was so high he crashed his car into the living room." My face turns bright red. I can't believe this girl she obviously has no sense, there was no way Molly and Joel would believe her over me. "Is that true?" Joel asks.

"No!" I scream, "All of that is a lie, Harper threw this party and her friend Jake brought drugs into the house as expected, Eli has never smoked before this was his first time and his last time and second of all Eli and I are only friends besides we just met only a week ago. He crashed a car into the living room but he is very sorry." Molly and Joel nod clearly believing my side against Harper's. "Okay since we have no reason not to believe Kaia's story Harper you cannot go on your skiing trip over winter break."

Harper's face drops I'm waiting for her to say something smart but she just looks speechless, "But you guys already rented the house in Jackson Hole, all of my friends are going to be there! You can't do this to me!" Harper is in tears, Ha I guess it sucks to lose something. "Kaia will get the house." When Molly says that I'm instantly jolted into the conversation. "Wait what?"

"Winter break starts on Wednesday and we already rented a skiing home for Harper, so it would be a waste if nobody stayed there, if you and your friends want to spend break there we'd be fine with it." My heart pounds with pure excitement. Eli, Logan, and I all together in Jackson Hole! Hell yes! Harper gives me a death glare as I run away to call Logan, Sucks to suck. Looks like you just got Latte'd.


"My parents will be fine with it they pretty much let me do anything." Eli opens the trunk to the hearse and pulls out his backpack. "I wish I could say the same for mine." Logan looks around sighing. "Lo if they see that their favorite best friend is coming they'll for sure be fine with it." Eli widens his green eyes and purses his lips.

"Eli... my parents hate you." Eli's mouth forms an O. "Ouch a little harsh there how could they resist my boyish charm and good looks?" Logan lets out a throaty laugh, " Eli there's nothing charming about you, I will ask them tonight but I'm not sure how it'll go." We all head inside the school as the warning bell rings. "Now that my slate is cleaned, no more private detentions I have a plan up my sleeve for Eisner." Eli gives Logan and I a smirk.

"Eli are you sure that's a good idea, do you not remember your suspension last year." Mama Logan always having her friends backs. "No. But it will be once the plan is put into action." I kind of want to hear his so called plan now. Eisner is always super hard on Eli even though he's extremely talented at writing, directing, and acting which is basically everything he wants in his class. "Let's just say it's going to be very fishy." Eli chuckles again at his own plan. The final bell rings just as we take our seats in first period. A few moments later Eli slips a note under my desk. Find me during 3rd period.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2016 ⏰

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