II. Blissful Descent

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The clock read 3:02 AM. It was a little late, but a lit candle and my reflection looking back at me with empty, sorrow eyes motioned me to continue. I instantly felt very tense. My face was dripping with sweat, as if I was shedding the skin of my old self. I looked and looked at the hopefully better version of me. One living in a happier world, with loving, caring friends. It wasn't difficult to imagine. It's not like I've not felt that before. The sweat began to snowball into a massive shower of fluid spreading across my body. The temperature was rather cold, and I was beginning to feel scared, despite the instructions clearly stating not to be.

It's like I was looking at a monster. I could see the real me through my eyes and it was the most unsettling feeling I have had the misfortune of going through. It made me think: the real monsters are the ones within you.

That moment when it blinked sent the biggest chill down my spine. It looked at me with a blank stare. I felt like I was being analyzed by this... thing. I wasn't sure I had been looking at myself. Or, at least, I knew it was not the me I'd gotten used to. I began to cool down and accept that the lovable smartass was gone, never to return. I could feel my reflection trying very hard to replicate my movements, but I could see that I was no longer looking at a mirror.

It stood up.

- "Nathan." It spoke my name.

I had an instinct to refrain from uttering a single word, but I stood in return. My reflection, now much darker, reached his hand out of the mirror, and called my name once again. I was shaking more than a palm tree on a stormy night, but I reached my hand out with bravery I thought I never had. All of my friends- family, they could all, no, they will all vanish into thin air and I'd be damn glad of it. But the thought of possibly never seeing them again was burdensome. My reflection pulled me into the mirror. Suddenly, my hand went through the mirror, and the figure became darker as he began to fade. Next was my head. I felt a positive aura as I entered my new home. Everything seemed perfect.

Soon after, I found myself completely shifted into the other side of the mirror. I found myself in the same room with the same furniture and the same family paintings. I began to tap the glass out of curiosity, and sure enough, I was the only me in the room. It had been a long night. I was ready to go to sleep, so I checked my alarm clock. It read 3:02. I wondered if I had literally stopped time during this disturbance. I'd honestly believe it.

Anyways, I find myself in my queen bed, eyes gaunt from lack of sleep. Tomorrow I'm going to what I'm hoping is school, but with such a drastic jump, I worry for what the future holds.

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