Chapter 6: I can't stay mad at you

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~~~~~~Matthew's P.O.V.~~~~~~

No one in my life haved I been in love with someone who I had feelings so much for. Now but I dont have words to explain how I feel, yes I am alittle mad at Gilbert but I love him. "Hey Gil can I ask you a question? but I don't know if you knew" he smiled and nodded "I never had sex with anyone but if we were going to do it now well how would you feel and how did you feel with Roderich?" he looked to the ground again but didn't want to answer. "Birdie your a virgin but I'm not and I wish I was so we both knew how it felt and being with Roderich was...." I tilted my head in confusion and wonder " was at first amazing being with someone who cared for what you said and taking care of each other but it was a mistake making love with Roderich because I didn't feel loved anymore he didn't care for me after that." I felt kind of sorry for Gil.I walked over to where he was sitting and hugged him from behind and he grabbed one of my hands and kissed it softly he whispered something that I could make out 'I never want to leave you' I smiled at him and we stayed like that for a moment.

It was already 10 in the morning I grabbed both of our plates and put them in the sink and turned the water on ,Gil walked behind me and snaked his arms around my waist resting his head on my shoulder and his little bird rested on his head chirping happily. The phone rang as I nearly finished washing the dishes "I'll answer Birdie" I looked at him and nodded "hello, oh hey bruder ja oh your kicking me out ja I'll come for my things"I over head him with Ludwig and walked over to him " I can help you get your things from Germany and anyways I was going to get them, is that okay?" he looked at me and kissed me.

~~~~~~~~~Later that day~~~~~~~~~~

So we alredy got his things and as I walked to the bedroom door he grabbed my hand and he looked deep in my eyes and said "Mattie I know were a couple and would you like to go on a date with me ?" I nodded and he started to scream out yes excitedly. This day was going to be long ,me about to have my first date with Gilbert.

~~~~~~~~~~That Night~~~~~~~~~~~

When we both got ready he held my hand and he turned a light pinkish color.We both went walking to the park and it was getting to a beautiful night the sky filled with stars we laid on the ground just watching, Gil got up and walked off to some other place but to where? I yelled out his name and came out from behind a tree. "Gil what are you doing where were you and -" a pair of lips crashed on mine that those lips were Gilbert's then got off , he then handed me a rose I gasped lightly and hugged him tighly "for you mein Birdie".

No one in my life has given me a rose but this was the first Gil is so sweet to me.We walked over to a bench and sat there talking "hey Birdie what would you do if we never met I mean like I never will see you" I looked to the ground "well I dont know if we never met no one will ever love me and I will never love no one you know" i looked still to the ground "....and you what would you do if you were still with Roderich?" he looked suprised "vell Birdie can ve not talk about him I mean Roderich was nice being vith but you your someone vho i want-no need because vithout you I wouldnt even want to live" me just being wide eyed. I apperantly pressed my lips againts his and my tears trailing down my cheeks he put his hands on my cheeks as they went down to my waist and my arms wrapped around his neck i didnt want it to end but it did.

I think i finally met someone who is my soul mate.



good, bad, or just I'm not so good at writing fan fic's

Bye :D

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