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I stood in shock staring at the man in front of me.

"Anita's your grandmother?" Denis questioned.

I nodded. Suddenly everything clicked.

"You're the guy that helps her around the house."

"Uh yeah. When I'm not on tour." He laughed awkwardly.

Grandma walked in and looked at us. She winked at me and my cheeks started to burn. Denis saw what happened and started to grin.

I huffed and turned back around to finish my coffee.

"Sofia, this is Denis. Denis, Sofia." Grandma said.

I pretended not to know him.

"Hello Denis."

"Hey Sofia." I could sense the confusion in his voice.

"Sit down, you two. Let me make some food." Grandma commanded.

I did as I was told. Everyone knows that you don't mess with Grandma. Denis took a seat next to me.

"Sofia, have you heard his band?" Grandma asked.

I went along with my game.

"No, I haven't. You're in a band?" I asked faking amusement.

"Um... Yeah?" Denis was still very confused.

"They're very good. It doesn't hurt that they have an attractive frontman too." Grandma turned around and smiled.

"Thanks Anita." Denis chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. I knew what she was trying to do and it wasn't going to work.

"You don't have a girlfriend?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Nope." He answered and for some reason I could sense his honesty.

I raised an eyebrow. He shrugged and looked down at the table.

The tension was rising. Grandma kept giving me encouraging looks.

We sat in silence for a couple minutes before Kassidy walked in. She froze when her eyes set on Denis.

"What the fuck?" She swore.

"Kassidy!" Grandma barked while I began to laugh.

Denis's head whipped up and he seemed to take on a front. I'm pretty sure the comment about his girlfriend threw him off. I wonder what had happened? I had just saw them together the other day.

"Hey, Kassidy right?" Denis smiled at her.

She nodded furiously. I could tell she was very star struck as well as confused which was understandable. I was shocked to see him here too.

It made me wonder. Why was a famous rockstar helping out an old couple? Was it for a couple extra dollars or just because he wanted to?

Kassidy came and sat down next to me with a huge smile on her face. Her and Denis started chatting while I got lost in my own mind.

I was dwelling too much on why Denis had denied the fact that he had a girlfriend. I don't really understand why, but it was bugging me a lot. Had he said it because he really didn't or because he- God help me- liked me? I don't think he would be the one to cheat, but I guess you never know. Maybe they had broken up and that's why he seemed upset when I brought it up.

"Sofiaaa." Denis waved his hand in front of my face, dragging out the "a" sound.

"Sorry." I grimaced.

I noticed that Grandma had left the three of us in the kitchen alone. She was always up to something.

"Lost your train of thought because of me?" He smiled cockily.

I scoffed, "You wish."

I had learned that Denis is very straightforward when he wants to be. 

"Oh, you're most definitely right. I do wish."

"You're impossible, Stoff."

Kassidy sat and watched us banter. She was laughing quietly. Denis had seemed to relax again. I liked him when he was relaxed. He was a lot funnier and way easier to talk to. We somehow got to talking about his band.

"My mates are gonna be traveling here next week. You should come meet them. Both of you." Denis looked at Kassidy who looked like she was about to piss herself with excitement. 

"Maybe." I laughed.

"I don't know about her, but count me in!" Kassidy yelled making us both laugh.

"Alright. Fine. We can go." I agreed.

"I shoot. I score!" Denis grins.

I raised an eyebrow and he started laughing again. 

"C'mon let's go into town. I wanna show you around my homeland." He stood up.

"How do I know you aren't going to murder me?" 

"Just loosen up and live a little. I mean you never know. You could die tonight."

"Yeah because you're a murderer."

"Totally! Killing is my hobby."

"This conversation turned morbid. Let's go." I shuddered, slipping on my shoes.

"Have fun!" Kassidy wiggled her eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes. People were impossible.

I thought the song attached suited Sofia and Denis' situation right now. Also, Pierce the Veil announced their tour today and I'm meeting my best friend June 12th. We're going to see them together in Ohio and I have to drive 11 hours. But I'm so happy. I love watching videos of internet friends meeting and now I get to make one.

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