Tripzy Meets Joelle's Boyfriend

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My dad is on his way over to meet my boo and honestly I am scared. He's known and his father is well known. His father is an actor, rapper, music producer and so much more. His dad has a movie coming out and I know it's going to be awesome. Right now I am enjoying this alone time with my baby while Jay is out the house and my dad isn't here yet. I can't wait for my man to meet the rest of my family. I know my mothers will give him a hard time because I am pregnant and because I am not married and because I haven't finished school. He's gonna take care of me and he has up until this point. He's made sure I was good. Well my dad is here so I guess we will talk later

Tripzy: Hi princess *hugging Joelle*

Joelle: Hey daddy *hugging back*

Tripzy:*kissing her and then walking in* Where's this man of yours

Joelle: He's right there daddy, but please don't go overboard

Tripzy: Are you serious right now.....I will never....I'm not your mothers but I will question his motives

Joelle: I bet you will

Tripzy:*walking into the living room*

Joelle: Daddy meet my boyfriend and the father of my unborn child

???: Hello sir it's nice to meet you


Joelle: Daddy

Tripzy: Baby this Ice Cube's son O'Shea Jackson Jr.

Joelle: Yeah I know

Tripzy: He knocked up my princess

Joelle: Really daddy

O'Shea: I love your daughter and I will protect her from anyone who tries to harm her

Tripzy: Oh snap.....I feel you but you know you have her mothers to deal with and Eiken and Cynister aren't to be messed with.....Like they don't know she's pregnant already

Joelle: Daddy they can't possibly know

Tripzy: You don't know your mothers as well as you think

Joelle: Apparently

O'Shea: I think we need to talk

Tripzy: I agree.....Let's chat

O'Shea: Babe I think we need to have a man to man talk

Tripzy: Baby I think we need to have a man to man talk....You got bass in that voice boy.....I respect that you want to talk to me man to man

Joelle: I will be in my room if you need me *walking up to her room*

Tripzy: Now that my daughter is gone.....What are you intentions with my daughter

O'Shea: I love her and that's first and foremost and two I want her to have the life of not being worried or not having because I want to provide for her and I want her to have the world.....Knowing she's carrying an air makes life wonderful and I can finally be the man that I was raised to be.....I want my girl and my child to want for nothing and have everything and then some

Tripzy: You know her mothers do that for her.....She has money so why would you want to provide for someone who has money

O'Shea: I don't care what she has.......I'm the man in this relationship and I want to be a man and provide and make sure she's good and the baby and I want her to come and live with me in LA

Tripzy: Where did y'all meet

O'Shea: We met in LA when she was at the concert tour with Jay and Beyoncé and we had the time of our life.....We saw each other in passing but  I finally had the balls to ask her out and I would come to Florida State undercover because of who I am and saw her and met Jay her brother.....I just want to be a man and be the father my father raised me to be

Tripzy: You passed with me but like I said Erica and Cyn is who you have to deal with and they are no joke and if they don't like you then she will cut you off so quick you won't even see it coming

O'Shea:*laughing* I know and I am prepared and I know they will be speechless to find out that Ice Cube's son is their daughter's boyfriend

Tripzy: Well I have to go *getting up and yelling* JOEY I'M LEAVING

Joelle: Okay daddy *coming down the steps*

Tripzy: Good luck with her mothers *laughing walking out the door*

O'Shea: Are they that bad

Joelle: Well.....

O'Shea: That's all I need to know *sitting down nervous*

Joelle: Don't be nervous babe *sitting in his lap*

O'Shea: What if they don't like me babe

Joelle: They will love you 

O'Shea: I hope so

Joelle: They will be back from Atlanta soon and when they get back we will have a sit down

O'Shea: I hope so

Joelle: Let's go cuddle

O'Shea: Okay babe

Joelle and O'Shea went to cuddle and then they fell asleep

*meanwhile with Erica and Cyn*

Albee: So how do you feel now Mena

Erica: I mean I found my daughter and now we need to keep Jose away from her

Cyn: We will babe

China: I mean he's this foolish to even be near her knowing what you and Cyn are capable of

Cyn: That's true

Erica: I just don't want him to mess up her perception of me as her mother

Cyn: She loves you and nothing will change that and if he does change her mind then she's missing out on a great mother in Erica Jasmine Mena

Erica: I love you Cyn

Cyn: I love you too babe

Albee: You two aren't about to kiss are you

Erica: Hell yeah *laughing and kissing Cyn passionately*

Albee: Get a room *laughing*

China: Albee you are retarded *laughing*

Albee: I still love y'all though

Erica: Fuck you Al

Albee: Naw I rather not....You have Cyn for that

Erica: She does it so well too *laying her head on Cyn shoulder*

Cyn: I think we better go cause our interview is in two hours

Erica: Shit I forgot about the interview

Cyn: We need to go and eat something before we head over there

Albee: I second that motion

Erica: Hungry ass

Albee: Love it too

Erica:*laughing* Asshole

Cyn: Let's go

They leave and head to Steamer's and sat down and ate for a minute and talked and then left and headed to the interview

What's going to happen in the interview?  How will Erica and Cyn react to O'Shea Jackson Jr. being Joelle's boyfriend?

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