Will/Christina (Divergent)

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  • Dedicated to Louise Mason

Will and Christina walked together through the Dauntless compound, talking, laughing and joking as usual. But Will couldn’t help but continually sneak glances at Christina when he thought she wasn’t looking. 

But sometimes she was, and every time his eyes met hers he thought his heart was pounding so hard even she could hear it. 

They continued walking and talking about random things, people, cracking jokes, sharing smiles. All the while, Will swore she could see right through him. Her sharp brown eyes seeing the truth.

You shouldn’t be afraid; you’re Dauntless. He scolded himself silently, a frown twisting his mouth without him realising. Christina gave him a strange look, probably because he hadn’t spoken in a while which was very unlike him.

You can do this Will; just friends, just friends. This was the mantra he repeated to himself as he made the effort to turn his scowl back into a smile.

“Well if Al asking Tris out bothers you that much…” she teased, her beautiful smile making his mouth go dry.

“N-No it’s not that,” he stuttered, trying to form coherent sentences as he watched her graceful body move forward. He could feel his cheeks flushing as he tried to control the emotions raging inside him. 

No girl had ever had this effect on him before. But then no girl had ever been like Christina.

“Oh my God! You like Tris?!” she half yelled, expression a mix of apparent realisation and bewilderment.

Will stopped in his tracks. He shook his head frantically, laughter suddenly shaking his body. Christina couldn’t be more off mark if she tried, he thought.

Hurt spread across Christina’s face. “Just what’s so funny?” she asked. His laughter stopped almost instantly and took a slow step towards her but didn’t answer.

“Dammit Will if you don’t tell me ri-“ he couldn’t stop himself. He didn’t know how else to explain. 

So he kissed her.

He felt her tense and his stomach dropped. She's going to kill me, he thought.

When they broke apart Christina’s eyes were wide and shocked. She stood frozen for a moment before she turned around marched forwards, Will hurrying to keep up. All the while his heart felt like it was ripping out of his chest. 

She walked quickly, starting a whole new conversation like nothing had happened. So much for being friends. Will sighed. He was so stupid.

Hands in his pockets, he listened to her talk, savouring her voice, the way she said things, in fear of never talking to her like this again.

As they turned into the pit he couldn’t take it anymore.

“Christina,” he said, grabbing her arm. He didn’t get a chance to say anymore as she spun round and kissed him. Her hands tangling in his hair as she held him close.

She pulled away, cheeks flushing a dark red, her pupils blown wide.

She was the most beautiful thing Will had ever seen.

“That’s my girl,” Will murmured gently as he leant down to kiss her again, his hands cupping her face gently this time. It was like lightning coursing through his veins.

How could the mere touch of her lips to his feel so electric? How could it make him feel more Dauntless than jumping off a train ever did?

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