Clary/Jace (The Mortal Instruments)

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“Let me draw you.” Clary said one day, completely out of the blue, as they lounged about in Jace’s room. Enjoying some rare, trouble free time alone.

Jace laughed, “You draw me all the time. I’ve seen the pictures. Although they’re all while I’m sleeping.”

“Well that’s the only time you stay till long enough for me to finish any of them.”

Jace rolled his eyes and pulled Clary close to him, tucking her into his side as they sat on the large ornate sofa placed against the far wall opposite his bed.

“You know most guys would find that sort of thing creepy and extremely off putting.”

Clary shoved him playfully before resting her head against his shoulder, “And yet you still can’t resist me,” she teased.

After a moments silence she spoke again.


“Clary, no.” Was Jace’s firm reply.

Clary frowned, the skin between her eyebrows puckering but quickly smoothed out as a mischievous twinkle appeared in her eyes. Moving swiftly she clambered onto Jace’s lap, wrapping her arms around his waist and laying her head against his chest.

His heart beat loud and steady in her ear.

“Please,” she whispered, moving to place a gentle kiss against the smooth skin of him collarbone.

“Please,” she repeated, her nose skimming up the column of his throat.

One final “please” as she pressed her lips gently to his was enough.

With a groan Jace opened his eyes, which had fallen shut. “Fine.”

“Yay!” Clary said, immediately jumping from Jace’s lap and rushing around to grab her pencils and sketchbook.

“I know you’re secretly trying to live out your fantasy of re-enacting that scene from titanic but no amount of pleading and tricking involving your lips is going to make me take my clothes off.”

Instead of furiously denying it like Jace thought she would Clary paused, turning back to face him, and raised an eyebrow as though saying, ‘you wanna bet?’

Jace knew all too well how stubborn she was; it wasn’t worth the risk.

“Ok I take that back.”

Clary smiled broadly. She positioned Jace on the couch, titling his head in just the right way to get the perfect shadow under his jaw.

“Now stay still. Or I’ll have to find a way to make you.” Clary warned, giving him another quick kiss on the lips.

“Your lips are a far more powerful weapon than any blade,” Jace cried dramatically, “especially when you’re trying to get your own way.”

“Hush,” Clary said, pointing her pencil at him threateningly, well more like adorably in Jace’s opinion, and settled herself on the bed, cross-legged, and prepared to draw.

For a while Jace was content to sit still and watch her: the way she tucked her curls behind her ears when they fell in front of her eyes; the way she chewed the end of her pencil as she thought and the way her green eyes, so intense, flicked between him and the paper.

She was beautiful. She was stunning. She was his.

But despite this, there was only so long his body could take being stuck in the same position: elbows resting on the back of the sofa, right ankle resting on his left thigh.

“Clarissa, it’s been nearly three hours. Can the shadow under my arm wait for a few minutes while I do something important, like eat?”

Clary seemed to snap out of whatever drawing trance she had been in. Looking up at Jace momentarily before examining her picture, she had done most of the shading, she just had to touch up the shadows and finish the runes that peaked out from underneath the wide V collar of Jace’s white shirt.

“No, I’m nearly done I promise.”

So Jace waited.

And waited.

And waited.


“Nearly. Finished.” Clary said, as she rubbed furiously at the paper, clearly having made a mistake of some sort.

Jace decided it was time to take actions into his own hands.

Moving silently he dropped onto all fours and slinked quietly towards her. But he wasn’t quick enough, she noticed when he was only half way across the room.

“Jace, you moved! Now I’m going to have to start all over again.” Clary huffed.

Getting up from the floor Jace walked slowly towards her, his golden eyes smouldering while he tried, and failed, to look contrite.

“I’ll make it up to you. I promise,” he said, smirking gently as he moved to kiss her.

He kissed her until she was breathless, the drawing lying forgotten next to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2013 ⏰

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