6-Shower curtain opened

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New chapter Yaayyayyayay!! Enjoy this one because I'm in love with it.REad REad REad. If the tittle of this chapter doesn't make you want to read then I don't know what will. Anyway thank you all for supporting  my work. Check out the song and picture on the side play the song when Jace and A are together.;) I love this band (Florence and the machine)I hope you love them too.

Love and kisses.

Vote and comment;! 


Sorry again for the mistakes but I said I would edit the book when it's completed.So just enjoy for now!


“Huh!” I grunted.

“Stupid,” Punch.

“Stupid.” Punch

“Stupid.” Kick.

“Egocentric” Punch.

“Jerk.” Punch.I was taking my frustration out by hitting on the punching bag.It’s been a long time since I’ve boxed,(okay,really It’s only been a week or so,but....) and now all the anger and fury that i’ve been holding in is coming out.And it felt so good so liberating.


“Whoa,there tiger.You don’t want to hurt the punching bag.” Max laugh amusedly.

Max was older than me by two years.(I’m seventeen for the morons who missed that.) He was our coach, before Zach and I became so good,that he didn’t need to teach us anymore.His father owned the gym so before going to college he had decided to stay awhile to work in the gym which would soon be his inheritance.Another thing about Max,beside the fact that he was loaded.He was H-O-T,hot (that’s how the bimbos say it right?) anyway,with his blonde hair,deep blue eyes and rocking bod; he had been the object of my affection for almost a year now.Yes people,A was capable of feeling.

I had a crush on him since the minute he had come in that office door to tell me,he was going to be my trainer.I had almost died right there.

Now,I wouldn’t say that my feelings had change but they are definitely not as strong as before.I guess you could say that I had moved on past it after my dad’s incident,but I still think he’s one fine specimen and he’s not an egocentric douche bag.

“That’s exactly what I want to do Max,hit that douche again and again.” I didn’t know why Jace angered me so much but it seems like just seeing him crawled under my skin making me want to explode.I don’t get how someone could have that much effect on you.It’s ridiculous.

“Who is it this time?” asked Max holding the punching bag as I hit on it.

“This boy in school.He gets on my nerves.You know the typical guy that think he’s too good for anyone and has ego stuck way to far up his ass.Well,that’s him A class player/a-hole.I seriously hate his guts.”I give another punch and this time Max stumble back a little.

“So you like him?”

“What?!” I was shocked.Didn’t I just tell him that I hate Jace’s guts. “No! Eww...I just told you that I hate him.” Why was it with people thinking that if you hate the dude there must eventually be a stupid  line between hate and love.Get your mind out of the gutter people,sometimes there’s just hate,for no real reason, but still hate.

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