Baby Gone Wrong

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Well, So much for "Quan Loves you".
I promise y'all I'm about to take depression to another level.
After sitting there while Mrs.Lewis is trying to comfort me, I got up to go take a shower because she said she's discharging me in a few and has no idea where Quan is.
It doesn't even matter. I'm going back to my parents house to lay down. They don't even know this stuff, Once again. They so wrapped up. in planning the anniversary for me being clean.
I don't even care I'm trying to graduate college. Forget all that, I showered putting on my clothes, I got out walking in the room to see my cousin, best friend, & God son sitting there looking all cute.
"Hey y'all. Why y'all so dressed up ?"
They laughed at me.
"We going out baby girl."
Kyle butted in.
"Well at least let me go."
I rolled my eyes holding my hands out at Re'Karrie.
"Girl, we didn't know you was getting out today. Plus you pregnant you can't go."
I looked at her with a mug.
"I'm freaking pregnant, nor handicapped. Just because I'm with child doesn't mean I can't go out and chill. I'll be fine plus your brother and I aren't on speaking terms right now."
She about to speak but Kyle interrupted.
"Not on speaking terms?! You better tell Q to go get his nuts and sew them shits back on, this no time to be childish. You got something bigger to worry bout."
I rolled my eyes.
"I'm not saying nothing to that man. It was his choice to get mad at me and walk out not mine.  I frankly wouldn't give a Damn, whether he here or not I'm gonna make it. Why is this the subject right now anyway? Aren't  I supposed to be getting to go home and change?"
Re'Karrie looked at me. "This is the subject because it needs to be. But if you want we will continue later, just let me get my mom." She got up putting Jr in Kyle's hands and walking to get Mrs.Lewis.

They walked back in and she handed me my papers personally.
"Baby listen. Be careful okay? I know how Quan can get."
Tuh. She must not know my history.
I really don't give a fuck who, what , when , where Quan is and how he can get. I'm the most violent chick in this Damn book.
Get the hell on.
Re'Karrie snapped me out of my thoughts saying.
"Come on girl stop daydreaming, bye mamma love you I'll bring Jr by this weekend. kiss dad for me."
We walked out the room and I had my phone in my hand.
I had a text.

🙃G'Corey: "hey lil mama you good? I heard bout ya lil seed."

My lil seed? What the hell you this is? Romance garden? This is my child idiot. What his HIV infected ass texting me for anyway.
I texted him back.
🌹💕MyonlyHeart: "I'm fine Corey. How you been. How your family doing? To the comment about my lil seed ... It's a child not for a plantation."

I just wonder while I'm walking to the car with Kyle them.
We ended up at the house and I'm just like they gone make me turn back I promise ya! They don't want the old me.  I don't either but I just need something to cope with this.
I walked in the house and I yelled
He walked down the stairs holding his ear while Jr was a little Whiney.
"Damn girl why you always screaming like oh got a problem ?  You need a psych evaluation? " I laughed a little & hugged him. One problem. I don't see my mama. Where she at?
"Daddy where's mama?"
He pointed towards the 3rd floor.
"She in the room why?"
Oh boy. I gotta tell them I'm pregnant.
I had his face scrunched up like he was confused. He held me by my arms.
"Baby girl slow down."
I started again.
"Well Quan and I started talking in rehab, we officially opened a relationship when we got out. now I'm pregnant and I'm still in college."
He smiled. I was wondering what was so funny.
"What's so funny? I don't think this is a funny moment daddy." He looked at me smiling.
"Baby girl, calm down. I already know. Your big mouth ass cousin told me plus your mom knew. It's not a problem. You'll finish college with help."
I was surprised.
I though my daddy was gone have two cows and a monkey.
"Thank you lord Jesus... I thought this man was gone kill me."
I said quiet to myself more to Jesus.
"Ma where she went?"
She shrugged her shoulders. I'm so close to breaking glass.
I'm mad as hell. She let my girlfriend go from the hospital she pregnant and she don't know where she went.
That's bout the dumbest thing I ever seen ever man.
Why don't she know where this girl went? For I don't find her Ina hurt somebody.
I called her.

It went to voice mail
I'm bouto go ask Sean'T... He always know where his daughter at.

"Bae help me tie my shoe."
Kyle asked me.
I rolled my eyes, he onl does this when he wants to take a look at my butt and smack it.
I shook my head at him
"Here Kyle really?"
He by his lip at me.
"Hell yeah girl Shawna can watch Kyle. Let's go to your old room."

I shook my head.
"I'm not gonna do that I Uncle Sean house. Stop being nasty and wait till we get home or something bae."

He groaned.
"Come on bae, we did it before if he ain't say nun what's he gone say now." I rolled my eyes gritting my teeth at him.
"It's a difference , Kyle is here now asshole so leave me alone and wait or you don't get none."

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