32.0: Sam

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Okay I might start naming the imagines I'm not sure, anyways,

4am nights:
I harshly grabbed the pillow next to me, just trying to drop off into sleep. It felt like the whole bed was covered in a sheet of ice, and instead of someone glueing my eyes closed, they were glued open. Without him here it's different. To different. He'd been gone merely three month's, half of me hopes it was a nightmare, half of me knew it wasn't. I guess he just decided I wasn't for him, and a month ago he found someone else who made him happy. In this small town things go around pretty fast, everyone knows everyones business. This was one of the things.

I don't know what brought me to do it, but in only the pale moonlight that lit up room, I tiptoed over to the table where my phone lay, and quickly unlocked it. Before I knew it I was typing a message to a contact, to a chat with saved texts that meant so much.
'I miss you. I know your probably holding her, and I know your probably happy. Which is what I want. I just want you to to know I miss you.' Sent at 4:06 am.
The thing that happens next was something I never ever though would happen; or happen again. My phone lit up, the contact really clearly 'Sam💔'.
I bit my lip looking down at it.
'It's okay...i... Miss you too. And I love you.'
That was interesting. I don't
know, if anyone wants to request an imagine, just comment 😘.

o2l imagines and preferences|completedWhere stories live. Discover now