Yandere Male Reader X Senpai part 2

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Your POV

Next morning I go behind the school, to see if the girl I killed is still there. I smile, she's no longer there. I guess the teacher discovered her. I walk back inside to see Senpai sitting on the fountain looking cute as always. Some green haired bitch dropped her phone next to Senpai. What the hell!? I growl when she crouched next to him making her boobs look bigger. Who the fuck dares to seduce My Senpai!? I control myself and take out my phone. I run next to them and take a picture, Senpai covers his face making me smile, but the bitch poses for the picture. I take a picture of them, say a quick 'thanks' and leave quickly. I run behind a tree and send the picture of the bitch to Info-chan. A couple of seconds later, he sends me a text. 'Her name is Koharu Hinata, she is a social butterfly, she is incapable of self-defense, she is in cooking club, but I think the only thing you care about is that she doesn't have a crush on your Senpai' I smile and put my phone away. The classes start and I follow My Senpai to his classroom to see that no one talks with him. After he is there safely, I walk back to my classroom.

After the class was over, I quickly run to see My Senpai, but he wasn't alone. Some blue haired bitch is flirting with him, and now some red haired bitch is too! What the fuck?! I growl and take my phone out. I snap a picture of My Senpai and the girls. I send the picture of the girls to Info-chan. A second later he sends me a text. 'The blue haired one is Mei Mio, she is a social butterfly, she is incapable of self-defense, she is in cooking club, but she doesn't have a crush on your Senpai.' Good 'the red haired one is Yui Rio, she is evil that means that if she sees you murder someone she doesn't tell anyone, she is incapable if self-defense, she is in cooking club, but she also doesn't have a crush on you Senpai.' Got it, I put my phone back to my pocket and see the girls gone. Good.

After school ended I decided to get rid of the girls. After all, I can't risk them falling in love with My Senpai. I walk in front of the cooking club and peek in, only Koharu, Mio and Rio are in there eating octopus hot dogs. I smirk and take a step back, take a deep breath then run in pretending to be hysterical.

"Help, my friend hit her head, I need your help!", I say loudly making them gasp.

"Follow me!", I say and run off.

They run after me and I smirk while running towards the incinerator. I run past the delinquents and wink at them, they blush a little, but nod. I made a deal with them after killing their leader, I won't kill them if they make sure no one sees me killing people. I stop in front of the incinerator and turn around smiling innocently.

"Where is she?", Mio asks panicked.

Instead of answering I take out my screwdriver and frown. I stab her throat killing her instantly. Koharu screams, but before she could do anything else, I stab her throat too. I see Rio holding her hands weirdly before smirking.

"That was beautiful! Don't worry.. I won't tel-", she says before I kill her too.

"Weird ass bitch.", I say and spit on her face.

"I know.", one of the guy delinquents say.

I chuckle and pick up her body.

"Could one of you get me a new uniform or something?", I ask while dumping her body in the incinerator.

"Sure.", the same delinquent says and walks away.

I hum happily and pick up the second body, but when I try to dump it someone tries to hit me in the head. I drop the body on the ground and kick her shin making her fall to the ground wincing.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?", I ask darkly.

It was one of the girl delinquents.

"I-I was trying to test how strong you are.", she says making me chuckle.

"You should already know that you don't fuck with me.", I say and turn around.

I pick up the body again and dump it in the incinerator, this time successfully.

Seme Male Reader X YandereWhere stories live. Discover now