Chapter Two.

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I dragged myself out of bed that morning with effort, feeling somewhat empty. I had turned in during the very early hours of the morning, with no explanation except that I had lacked bus fare after purchasing a large amount of arcade tokens after Keala left.

My heart felt heavy and I noticed faint red circles outlining my eyes when I looked in the mirror. I pulled on yesterday's clothes, which happened to be piled conveniently at the foot of my bed. My phone, I recalled, was laying on the kitchen table downstairs--right where I had thrown it last night.

I padded downstairs in my socks. The front door was unlocked and slightly ajar, and I kicked it closed as I walked past. I spied my cherry-red phone on the table and grabbed it, dialing Keala's number. She picked up on the fourth ring.


"Hey. Do you have plans for today?"

There was a pause on the other end of the line. Then, "No, I'm free. What'd you have in mind?"

"Nothing too spectacular," I told her. "Maybe just grabbing some doughnuts and coffee?"

"Sounds good. Give me. . .five minutes and I'll be there."

" 'Kay. Bye." I hung up and set my phone on the table again. My insides still felt a little deflated, but maybe a good cup of coffee would wake me up and get my blood flowing properly again.

At ten minutes to ten, Keala's silver SUV pulled into the driveway. I locked the front door behind me and climbed into the passenger seat.

"Good Lord, Hazel." She said, a slightly appalled expression on her face.

I frowned at her. "What?"

"Your hair. What did you do, stick your finger in an electrical outlet?"

My hands flew to my hair self-consciously. I tried, without success, judging by the look on Keala's face, to smooth it down.

Keala opened the glove department and pulled out a deep red tea-cozy hat. "Ta-da! Let your hideous hair troubles be gone!"

"Gee, thanks," I muttered under my breath as I put on the hat. Keala backed out of the drive, then started down the road towards the small coffee shop in town.

"So. . ." She started quietly, glancing at me briefly in the rearview mirror. "Feeling better?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, pretty much." That was a lie.

Keala's face relaxed a bit. "Good. I was getting a little worried about you."

"No need." I agreed, nodding. Another lie.

She pulled the car into the six-car-capacity parking lot of the small café. The door was propped open, the 'Come in, we're O-P-E-N' sign hanging in the window.

Inside, the little building was decorated with old French posters and dozens of different potted plants. It smelled of dough and coffee, a smell that made my mouth water.

"You find us a table," Keala told me. "I'll go up and order. What do you want?"

I bit my lip. "Um. . .surprise me."

Keala nodded and turned to get in line. I found a small two-seater table in the back corner of the restaraunt and sat down. Drumming my fingers on the table quietly, I waited for Keala.

"Is this seat taken?" I looked up and saw an attractive male standing above me, holding a coffee in each hand. He had light-coloured, wavy brown hair that was brushed over to the right. His eyes were a mesmerizing shade of blue.

I blinked. "Sorry, my friend is. . .uh--right there. . .I was just waiting. For her. She's coming to sit there. Sorry."

The male smiled softly. "Don't apologize. I just don't like seeing girls as good-looking as yourself sitting alone."

I felt a red-hot blush creep into my cheeks. "Um. . .thanks for your--concern."

He nodded. "Louis."

"Pardon?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

I thought I heard a light chuckle. "My name. Louis."


"Well, I'll be on my way. I hope we cross paths again in the future sometime."

Somewhat dazed, I nodded. "O-Okay."

The male, Louis, walked away to sit a table a few down from mine, a smile still on his lips. And I could have sworn that, when he glanced up at me again, he winked.

But then again, I could just be seeing things.

~Yay, Chapter Two! Thanks for reading! Feel free to leave a comment or review and make sure to check for updates! xx~

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