Chapter Three.

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I was in a slightly shocked haze when Keala sat down across from me, a cardboard cup tray in her hands. "I got you an iced mocha with cherry." She set a plastic cup in front of me, and another in front of her.

"What'd you get?" I asked, eyeing her cup skeptically. It held a yellow-tinged substance.

She used her straw to stir the ice cubes floating in her drink. "Some honey-ish stuff. It's supposed to be relaxing." She lifted one shoulder in a nonchalant shrug.

I stared at the table vacantly, studying the cracks and stains that served as patterns. My drink sat off the the side, forgetten and unwanted by me.

"Hazel?" I looked up and saw that Keala was staring at me, an unreadable expression on her face. It landed somewhere between concerned and irritated. "Is it the drink? I could get you a different one, if you want."

I shook my head. "No, no, the drink is" I cast a sideways glance at it "fine. I guess I have a bit of a headache."

Keala didn't look one bit convinced. "Listen to me, Hazel." Her soft brown eyes bore into mine, unwavering. "I'm not buying this crap. Emphasis on the 'crap' part. So, you can either tell me what's up, or I can find out what's up myself."

I hesitated for a split second. In that second, I thought of all the reasons why it wasn't a good idea to spill to Keala--a) she was a very strong believer of "it's over, get over it" and b) it would only encourage her to play matchmaker for me. And then, of all the reasons it was--a) she was my best friend and b) I had to talk to someone, and I pretty much ran out of options after her.

Taking a deep breath, I spoke in a quiet voice. "Remember Harry, Keala? Well, I'm finding it exceptionally hard to get over him." Another breath. "Last night just kind of. . .sparked my memories. So now he's all that's  on my mind." I specifically left out the part about Louis, the strange, yet very attractive male who had introduced himself just minutes ago.

Keala's facial expression changed to sympathy. "I understand. He was, after all, a very memorable guy." She said with a smile. It was meant to make me laugh, but out of habit, anger bubbled inside of me. Like Harry was still mine. Like I still had reason to be protective of him.

I swallowed hard and put on my most convincing fake smile. Keala seemed content to know the scoop, going back to stirring her drink.

I, on the other hand, felt very far from content. And though I hated to admit it, I knew exactly thing that would change that.

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