Scene III

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  • Dedicated to Jhoanna S. Dela Rosa

Scene III

(Neal and Erin)

Erin: (sighs) Let me guess. It has something to do with Geraldine, hasn’t it?

Neal: Again and again, yes. It’s about Ghed¹.

Erin: How’s your courtship-relationship-it’s complicated-ish situation going? Still fine?

Neal: Yeah, still fine. But (massages his right cheek)

Erin: But what?

Neal: Lately, I have this feeling that… You know, I’m getting tired of this hide-and-seek, or as you would call it, (gestures quotation marks) “it’s complicated-ish” situation. I feel like I wanted to reveal to everyone―especially to my mom―that I’m in love with Geraldine and that there’s something between the two of us.

Erin: Then, why don’t you do it? Wait, wait. Why are you secretly having this (gestures quotation marks, too) it’s complicated-ish stuff in the first place? Why are you in hiding? What was that again?

Neal: It’s because, we’re afraid Mom will disapprove of Ghed, and until now, Mom won’t really let me court anyone. But, I can’t imagine myself getting away from Ghed. (slouches in his seat)

Erin: Well, go on. Tell everyone about the real thing between you and Geraldine.

Neal: I told you, I’m worried about how Mom will react when she finds out. Perhaps, when she does, she might do something to keep me and Geraldine apart, like sending me to a boarding school or something…

Erin: You know what? You have a very active imagination, paired with a little negative mindset. So, the first solution to your so-so problem is to think positively, as much as possible.

Neal: Okay.

Erin: Besides, think about this: Aunt Helen can’t actually force you to do something against your will because number one, you’re to be considered as a grown up now and you can decide for yourself, but you still need your parents’ consultation and advice; and number two, isn’t Uncle Greg within your league with this, too? What do you think?

Neal: Hmmm. You’ve got a point. That’s great. Thanks again, ‘Insan. I know I could always count on you.

Erin: And you’re always welcome. Now, I still need to go back to my room to finish some school work. Got to go. (stands and walks away)

Neal: (remains seated as he raises a hand to Erin) See you around, then.

Erin leaves her cousin, so he is all alone. With that, he maintains his silence as he thinks deeply, seriously.

¹Neal’s nickname for Geraldine.

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