Chapter 10: Miss Dracula

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6:30 p.m.

The day was so peaceful, calm, quiet and enjoyable. Ma had scolded us for playing with water as the kids might catch cold but when Pa came from the living room and splashed her wet with a mug of water, she gave up and finally joined the game. We were all so good at splashing including the kids. They both were two-and-a-half years old and would go to school from the next year but they did not seem one bit worried about that instead they both were very enthusiastic. When I was young, I practically hated school. Every time Ma or Pa used to take me to school, I would cry and cry the entire time I would be in school, no teacher could ever console me with anything. Anyway, that was when I was like Libbie and Phoebe. They both went to preschool now.

Sof insisted on going to a local park earlier today but I didn't want to. Of course I had a reason. I was scared about being killed, what if the black- marketers are still stalking me? If I go to the park, they might kidnap me or even kill me and what about my family? I just said, "I don't want to. You may go if you like. I just want to stay inside this cozy home for today," that would hold them at least for today.

"Okay then, we'll go tomorrow," Sof suggested.

I smiled weakly. They all nodded in agreement. 

My greatest fear came after dinner. I was so scared to go to bed. After we all wished each other, "Good Night," we want back to our respective bedrooms. I went to my bedroom too. I sat on my bed with the lights turned on and rubbed the bed sheet softly. What will I do? I looked outside 'that window,' there was nothing wrong outside. The moon was shinning brightly; it was a half moon but still was shinning bright just like a full moon night. I locked all the windows and checked the room thoroughly, then switched off the light. My heart was beating fast in my chest, as I laid down in my bed. A thousand thoughts rushed through my mind as I closed my eyes and slowly the heartbeat started to decrease back to normal. Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind, what if somehow the man in my dream still finds a way to get inside the room? It would be the end of me. My heartbeat again started increasing rapidly.

 I switched on the light and went to my study table, where I used to study earlier. I sat down to write a letter to my family and explained everything elaborately, the things- not just things, incidents, terrible incidents- that I was and am afraid of to speak in font of them, with the fear of how they would react. But now that does not matter at all since I don't have to ever see their reaction. For sure those bastards are going to kill me when they find me and that FUCKING phone. This is getting so hard for me to live now. I glanced at each window while writing this letter, in case I notice something unusual. After I finished writing the letter, I quickly put it inside the desk and locked it, then putting the key inside a fat book, I went back to bed after drinking some water.

My hands were shaking. Practically, my entire body was trembling with fear. My adrenaline full in rush, sweat oozing out of my entire body, just like blood, I switched on the fan helplessly. After I went back to bed again, I screwed my eyes shut, so that even if anything unusual happens in the environment, I would not have to see it. I would pretend to be asleep. Tears streamed down my eyes as I imagined myself being beaten up, to wake me up from my fake sleep.


"Laura! Honey, wake up! I gotta clean up your room," Ma called me from the other side of the room, knocking at the door. I quickly replied her, "Coming Ma!" my voice was hoarse. I surely caught cold. I didn't know when I fell asleep yesterday. I got up from bed and locked myself in the mirror. My eyes were as red as Dracula's and there were tear stains running down my cheeks.

I made my hairs fall in front of my face and also made myself look sleepy and dizzy, before opening the door. Ma wished me, "Good Morning, sweetie."

I wished her back sleepily and in a different nasal tone due to my cold. But Ma is Ma. Every mother knows the reactions of her own children the best. She put my hairs back and made me look at her by lifting my china bit and asked, looking concerned, "What is it dear?"

"It's nothing," I said looking at the floor.


"I had some stomach pains last night and couldn't sleep, but don't worry I am fine now," I lied reassuringly.

"Don't tell me you had 'SOME stomach pains'," she used her fingers to quote the three words, "You would never cry if it was 'SOME stomach pains.'"

"Alright, i had a BIG stomach pain and cried myself to sleep, I had to turn on the fan cause it soothed me a bit," I lied again, still looking at the floor but now frustratedly.

"Sure, you are alright now?" she said softly lifting up my chin again.

I reassured her smilingly, "Yah, I perfectly am. It's just because of this weather. Johannesburg is far more hotter than Doncastor. So... you can understand."

She let me go.

After I refreshed myself, I went downstairs. It was really hard to hide my red eyes. Sof was up, so were the children and Pa, they all questioned me about it and I told them the same thing I told Ma except the children. When they both asked me the question, I answered, "Yesterday night, I met my friend Miss Dracula who changed me to a Dracula too, that's why the red eyes."

Libbie screamed running about the room while Phoebe chuckled at first and then seeing her twin sister jumping about, she thought it to be real and joined Libbie. It took a while for Sof to make them understand that it was a joke but still they kept their distances.

During the breakfast, the twins were fighting on some petty toy issues, when they aw me looking at them with my red eyes, they stopped fighting immediately. All the elders including me chuckled softly. Ma said laughing, "You made my work easier," and we all laughed out loud. The kids did not understand why we were laughing but seeing us laugh, they started laughing too. It was fun overall.

12th March, 2015.

7:15 a.m.

Sofia Davidson.

It was fun in the morning though the children were afraid of Laura yet they were happy around us. The saddest part for them was when aunt told them, "Okay, babies now you need to go the school."

They made a disapproving sound in unison. 

Aunt quickly dressed them up and said to Laura and me, "Can you two drop these two to school, please? I need to do the laundry today."

"Sure," we both agreed happily.

The children were happy to go with us. Aunt had already shown us Libbie and Phoebe's preschool while coming to Doncastor from Heathrow. So it was not hard to find their school. The children at first though hesitated to go to school but when Laura glared at them, they quickly waved is "Good Bye!" and ran towards their classroom hand in hand. We both laughed and got back into our car, driving back to home.

/* Alright, I am in confusion right now, whether to keep the name of this chapter Miss Dracula or anything else. I don't really like this heading. Suggest me please readers. Enjoy reading, commenting and voting ☺♥♪♫ */

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