Big Brother Lu

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Luludeer logged in

Luludeer invited Swagtrooper in this chat

Luludeer: Neiche!

Swagtrooper: Marilyn Monroe!

Luludeer: ok neiche i get it

Swagtrooper: anyways what do you want? why are you chatting me?

Luludeer: aish. you didn't miss me?

Swagtrooper: no. why would I miss you?

Luludeer: ouch

Swagtrooper: Just kidding gege

Luludeer: . ___ .

Swagtrooper: I missed you idiot. I haven't seen you in years. Last time I saw you, you were a little wee sprout baby boy from China playing football all day long.

Luludeer: lmao how come? you're like 11 years younger than me.

Swagtrooper: lol just kidding. i found your pre debut pictures. you're one heck of a cute little girl though.

Luludeer: what the heck im a manly man neiche!

Swagtrooper: your welcome

Luludeer: lmao

Swagtrooper: anyways what do you want gege?

Luludeer: well i want you to do me a favor :3

Swagtrooper: why me?

Luludeer: because you're a very trust worthy person

Swagtrooper: You're so sweet gege. Although it makes me cringe you bros sweet talking me all the time like ew wtf im going to vomit skittles

Luludeer: we do that because we're gentlemen

Swagtrooper: no comment

Luludeer: ouch

Swagtrooper: I swear

Swagtrooper: if it's an impossible thing to do i will fire your studio

Luludeer: fine

Swagtrooper: but one favor costs thousand of dollars

Luludeer: *facepalm

Swagtrooper: deal?

Luludeer: you know I'm broke after my China concert do you?

Swagtrooper: nope i don't have a clue

Luludeer: .___.

Swagtrooper: deal?

Luludeer: yeah ok deal.

Luludeer: btw

Luludeer: I want to give this to Sehun

Luludeer: //attachs photo

Swagtrooper:  what for?

Luludeer: because his birthday is near and you're the only one who's close to the maknae plus I'm in China probably promoting new stuffs and spend time with my family.

Swagtrooper: i don't think i'm friends with Sehun anymore.

Luludeer: what happened?!

Swagtrooper: Sehun is a little spawned devil..well we kinda had a childish fight where I started it first so he basically ignores me these past few weeks.

Luludeer: mind asking what is it? sorry for crossing the privacy im a bit curious why

Swagtrooper: I call him gay because of the hairstyle.

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