Off on the wrong foot

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It wasn't long before this "service" turned into one of disservice...

Rainbow turned over, still half asleep, smiling because of her most recent dream.

"Fluttershy..." she mumbled, curling up against her fluffy pillow. Soft... Just like...

The dream was cut short as she caught a waft of a familiar sour, gut wrenching scent that could only belong to one creature, and before she could prepare herself, a loud and booming voice echoed through her room, sounding like it was being amplified by a megahorn.


Screaming at the top of the her lungs, Rainbow shot up, bolting away from the figure and huddling in the corner, senses on high alert. When she calmed down, she dove towards the individual, eyes glaring upward.

"REALLY?! You thought it was necessary to SCARE me half to death!?" the Pegasus screamed, throwing punches that only managed to hit air.

"THERE'S THE ENERGY I LIKE TO SEE!!" again, the voice was excruciatingly loud, so much in fact that the cloud structure seemed to shake. Rainbow grit her teeth together, finding it incredibly difficult not to bash in the others skull. Not that she could reach it...

She sat, defeated, throwing her hooves in the air. "Alright. I'm up. Next time try to rethink your tactics."

"Oh. But that's just the fun of it. You should have seen  your face. Priceless!" Discord grinned, emphasizing the word purposely. He then snapped his fingers and changed the scenery around them. At first Rainbow didn't notice until she felt the long grass tickle her hooves.

"Anyway, you ought to treat your mentor with more respect. I'm helping you for free, after all."

"You are NOT my mentor!" she growled, glaring in the Draconequus's direction, "And I know that you're only doing this to get Fluttershy's attention."

There was a moment of silence, but then was replaced with the incessant giggling that Rainbow hated with a passion.

"Of COURSE I am, my dear. But it isn't for the reasons you might think." Discord slithered over to the Pegasus, flicking her directly on the tip of her nose. His smirk widened as he watched her flinch. "But that's going terribly off topic. Discussing emotions is best left for another day when you're feeling more mature."

"MATURE?! You're the one to talk! And what does talking about emotions have anything to do with maturity-" she suddenly froze, mouth moving but there wasn't a noise to be heard. . It was like her voice was stripped from her throat, and for a brief moment she panicked, until she remembered who was in her company, giggling like a deranged schoolgirl.

"Give me my voice back!" she tried to demand as she stomped her front hoof on the grass in anger, intending to be threatening. Unfortunately the only noise the grass made was a soft crunch.

"What was that? I'm afraid you're going to have to speak up..." Discord materialized behind the mare, flicking at her ear. Rainbow yelped, bucking her legs into the figure. She barely hit him but she was satisfied when she heard a small grunt.

Another snap released her voice, but she suddenly felt very groggy.

"Now... To todays training!" he announced, clapping his hands together as they teleported atop a diving board.

"Where am I now!?" she barked angerly, leaning forward as to keep her balance.

"Swimming is a very good exercise." he explained. "And diving is just fun!"

"It is NOT fun when the pony jumping can't even see where the pool is!"

"Ah come on, do you REALLY think I wouldn't put that into consideration?" Discord cracked a wired smile, pushing Rainbow to the edge. "Now be a good girl and-"

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