Chapter 3

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After Hannah had finished talking to Maddie she decided that she needed to spend some much needed time in the labs. Being a military member and Colonel Sheppard's sister you would think that the lab wouldn't interest her, but you're wrong. She is also hiding a secret. As she got to the doorway of the labs she saw Dr Mckay. Just looking at the way he was mumbling to himself about his research she couldn't help but smile.

"You know Rodney you have been at that for days now. Surely your brain needs a break?" Rodney recognised the voice and said back to Hannah, "I would normally argue with you on this one but I agree. I need to sit down and have a break." With that they both sat down next to each other and looked at one another,

"How's Maddie holding up?" As Rodney said that Hannah has a reassuring look on her face, "She'll be ok. It's just her dad didn't exactly leave Atlantis the last time in her good books. I know it has nearly been a year since the whole thing with Nate happened but by now Colonel Caldwell has to be over it just for her sake."

Yes Rodney was listening to everything his girlfriend was saying but he couldn't stop looking in her eyes. Like Evan and Maddie were before, he and Hannah have a secret. One they didn't necessarily want John to know about, "I know she will be ok to honey but I know where you are coming from."

Despite Mckay being a scientist and Hannah being military, they both understood each other very well. Some of the time Hannah wouldn't have a clue about what he was going about with the research but there were some parts that she got used to hearing, "You know the most annoying thing about having mission after mission with my brother?" Rodney looked back at Hannah and said, "What's that?" He kind of knew where this is going.

"Well for one I haven't been able to do this." With that Hannah placed a light kiss on his lips. They both loved little moments like this. It is what keeping their relationship a secret worth it, "I have missed that to. But as much as I would like to continue doing that I have to get this research done before your brother starts bugging me about it." Hannah couldn't help but chuckle at that and as she walked out of the labs she turned her back around and said, "See you at dinner."

*a couple of days later*

Today was the day that either Maddie would remain happy or would she have to make a decision that she really doesn't want to make. She couldn't help but pace up and down on the south west pier waiting to talk to her dad. It had been a couple of hours since he was beamed down to the city but normally he could straight to see her, so you could understand why the nervous are getting worse.

Just as Colonel Caldwell was walking past the mess hall he could hear the conversation that John, Ronon and Hannah were having, 'Both the major and Maddie suit each other very well.' Just as he heard that the colonel started thinking, 'Yeah that is true. Evan is soo much better than Nate.' When he heard that he knew it was time to go and finally talk to Maddie.

*10 minutes later*

"Maddie are you here?" When Maddie heard her father's voice she knew she had to control everything to stop her from doing something she'll regret, "Yeah I'm here dad." Just he turned round the corner and saw his face she knew she was in trouble.

"Maddie what are thinking?" The confusion in her brain as she tried to figure out what on earth he was trying to say, "I don't know what you are talking about dad." Now he knew what John and his team were saying was true, "You know exactly what I am talking about. Remember what happened last time."

As he was about to continue on his path of having a go Maddie butted in, "How could you bring that up dad. What happened with Nate was almost a year ago. I am soo over that now. I have moved on. The fact that you keep bringing it up in conversation every time we see each other is starting to annoy me dad." Ok maybe she isn't keeping her emotions in check.

"I am perfectly aware of that Maddie but when were you going to tell me about Major Lorne? Or were you going to tell at all?" After he said he saw the look on Maddie's face change, "What? Where on earth did you get that from? Yes I was going to tell you but how you have been recently when the Daedalus has visited; telling you about my boyfriend hasn't been a priority."

As she finished saying that she looked at the time on her watch. It was supposed to be the time that she would have her lunch date. As Major could hear what was being he said he thought, 'maybe I should wait here until they finish.'

"You never learn do you Maddie? You're too naïve for relationships. Yes what happened with Nate was a bad thing but surely you should have seen it coming." When he finished saying that, Maddie was in shock. Did her dad really just say that to her? Why would he say that to her? She could feel tears beginning to form in her eyes.

Just as that was happening Caldwell saw her reaction and immediately regretted saying what just came out of his mouth, "Mads I'm soo..." Before he could finish Maddie ran from the pier, straight past Evan and went to her quarters. She can't believe her own dad would say something that would hurt her soo badly.

Before could think clearly about anything she began to pack an overnight bag. Yes this isn't the best thing to do right now but what she really wants is to clear her head. All that was going through was one little bit, 'You never learn do you Maddie? You're too naïve for relationships.' As she finished packing her bag there was only one place she wanted to. The jumper bays.

When she got there she opened up Major Lorne's jumper and just sat in his pilot seat trying to think as clearly as she could. She started to ignore texts from her dad and even from Evan, 'Maddie please. I didn't mean to say what I said.' And then she read the one from Evan, 'Do you want to talk about?' She spent a couple of minutes looking at the last text and came up with a decision, 'Time to get out of here.' She thought.

"I don't care what happens next. I just want to clear my head." As she said that to herself she powered up Evan's jumper and flew it to the mainland ignoring the radio from Chuck. She just wanted to get as far away from her dad as she could. Without going to earth of course.

"Colonel Carter mam, we have a problem." When Chuck the gate technician said that Sam instantly had a worried look on her face, "What is it Chuck?" After asking that she tried to work out for herself what the problem would be, "Jumper 2 is missing from the jumper bay."

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