Chapter 5

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Maddie's POV

Watching them taking Nate to interrogation room is making me sick. Have the IOA just taken him as a joke? Cause it isn't very funny. I am fuming, Evan is fuming. Oh hell with it everyone on Atlantis basically hates him. One being he's a member of the IOA and two you can smell his sketchiness from miles away. I don't know why I ever trusted him. 

Just trying to work out what to do or what to say next I see Jack call Hannah over to his office, "Treasure my office now." Why is he annoyed at... oh yeah. She punched an IOA rep. Secretly we were all thanking her because I would have killed him when I had my gun in my hand. But for my sake I thought that it wouldn't be a very good idea. 

 "Look Jack you can give me a court marshall me but he deserved it." I love my best friend, "Hannah I am not going to do that. I just want you to make sure that Maddie is going to be ok for the couple of days that Nate is here. But that also means you can't kill him either." Jack is looking out for me. He is like my second dad. 

Nate's POV

Looking at Maddie's face when I walked through the gate was a shock. Yes I have hurt her badly before but she has to know I was being controlled and that I couldn't do anything about it. It just hurts me to see that she happy with someone else. But me being my evil self I have something that will turn her life upside down for good, "So Nathan. Why are you a member of the IOA?" What kind of a question is that?

"Well Colonel Sheppard I am a member because I needed a new job and they offered me a position. I mean no harm." Lets just go with the 'get them on my side and make them trust me' plan, "Just so you know none of us are going to forgive you for what you did to Maddie." Oh here we go, "As the general said you are not allowed anywhere near her when we let you out of here." Wow. Maddie has got herself some very protective friends.

"Nathan cut the crap and tell us exactly why you are hear." She has still got that fire in her voice, "If it concerns you that much Madison I am replacing Mr Woolsey and becoming the Atlantis rep. He is now the rep for the sgc again." She won't believe me no matter what I say to her.

"Oh wonderful." She goes to walk out and try to figure out what to say next. Then something pops into my head that I know will get her attention, "It's not all as it seems." That has got her attention. She stops in the doorway and replies with, "What is that supposed to mean?" Oh Maddie you have no clue, "Ask your dad or should you even call him that." 

With Sam and Colonel Caldwell standing in the doorway I say they knew exactly what I was going on about. My plan to ruin her life is slowly coming together again.

Back to Maddie's POV

What the hell is he going on about? Of course everything is as it seems. Why wouldn't it be? As I walk past my Dad and Sam, they seemed a little bit off. Everyone is acting soo strange lately, "Dad? Sam? Are you guys ok?" Yeah something else smells fishy now and not just because we live on an ocean. 

"Yeah. There is something that we both need to tell you." After Sam says that I look over at my Dad. He seems like he has been hiding a secret from me. The last person who looked like that was my mum when she was telling me that she had cancer. That is certainly a day I will never forget, "Maddie please don't get mad at me for what I am about to tell you. You have to promise me that." He is scaring me now. 

"Dad you know that I can't promise you that after everything that has happened to me." He then nods at what I say and as Sam looks at him she decides to tell me instead, "Maddie this maybe difficult to grasp and get your head around but Colonel Caldwell is your adoptive dad." Ok what is she saying? "Your birth dad is my dad." I don't know whether to be angry or upset right now. 

"So what you are trying to say is that my whole life has been a lie and that you are actually my sister who happens to be 15 years older than I am." Yeah I am definitely getting angry now, "Erm yeah. That is part of what I am saying." How am I not going to like what she is about to say next, "Our dad isn't very well. He would like to see you. He doesn't have much time left." 

Ok. I officially feel like I am going to loose it. To find out that Colonel Caldwell adopted me when I was a baby, to find out that Sam has been my sister and she hasn't even told me about it for this long and then to find out that my birth dad is dying is making me hurt inside. I really do not know what to do right now.

"Mads are you ok?" Really Dad? You want to ask me that when I am about to break down in tears? "NO I AM NOT OK. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE AND STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME. THAT GOES FOR YOU TO SAM." 

Just as I run away from the conference room, with all the energy that I have, I can hear Hannah calling after me, "Maddie wait." I am not going to stop. I am just going to keep on... then I hear Evan as I get to the other side of the city.

"Maddie look at me." Yeah this is a bad day. No wait. This is a really bad day, "What do you want Evan? I just want to be alone right now if you don't mind." I know I may sound selfish right now but being alone in times like these is how I deal with it, "I know you might hate Colonel Caldwell and Sam right now but I think you should go and see Jacob. Sam said that he was staying in the sgc infirmary." 

As Evan says that I look at him and think about it, "I will go just for you. Get Chuck to dial the gate as a I pack a bag." I suppose this is a way to get away from Nate for the few days that he is in Atlantis for, "Ok I will do. Just promise me something babe." I like it when he calls me that, "What's that Ev?" He smiles as I say that, "Be safe and don't get too mad at everyone." Ok maybe he has a point, "I promise." And with that I give him a quick kiss on the lips and go to pack my bag.

*a couple of hours later*

Arriving at the sgc after a couple of months is making me feel nervous. Even more now I know everything that has been kept from me after all these years. I have always known something has been kept from me, "Maddie he is waiting for you in the infirmary." I instantly know who that voice belongs to, "Thank you Daniel." 

As I get to the infirmary I look at Jacob, I mean dad and worry about what to do and what to say, "Maddie it's ok you can go in." With Dr Lam telling me that I go in and sit on the chair that is by his bed, "Maddie I am soo glad that you are hear. I am soo sorry for not telling you sooner. It's just that this has happened sooner then I thought it would." 

I then choose to say something that I am sure my birth dad isn't expecting, "It's ok dad you don't have to apologise for anything. I am just glad that I am here with you." I finally feel like nothing else is missing from my life.

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