《Chapter 3》

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"Look with your eyes, hear through your soul."

Relief burst in, and I exhaled.

"Help me, please. I just need to get home." He looked at me with tired eyes, seeming like he wanted to give up.

"You see, these riddles written on paper work somewhat like dollar bills. The only thing is they do a lot more. Take this." The Cat pulled pulled out a brown wooden pencil, curved with indents. "This is indestructible. You're looking for mountains, so draw a triangle." He drew the pointy shape, and held it up to the sunlight. In the distance appeared rough points with a blanket of snow covering the top.

"This is where I'm supposed to go?" I asked.

"This will take you where you need to go. I trust you'll follow the path. No matter what happens, do not go your own way. It's crucial to listen to the map."

"The map doesn't have ears." I blatantly stated.

"Look with your eyes, hear through your soul. Now go." He demanded. Leading me to a locked room, he opened it only to find equipment for all environments.

I picked out my climbing gear, and was given two little creatures to go along with.

Hair as fluffy as a lion's mane, and blue as powder, these Things were ready to go. I watched them in interest as they put red snow gear on, getting ready for the trek ahead of us.

"Are you ready guys?" I questioned. They stared and nodded their heads. "Alright, let's go."

The first hours were tortuous. The only way I was able to make it so far was because Quinn always made me go running with her.


How could I forget about her? She's the reason I want to be back from where I came from. I miss her silky hair between my fingers, her laugh that makes her sound like a dove. I miss it all.

I couldn't help but think about her as we climbed the mountain. I got lost in the memory of us. All of them, the good and the bad.

"Okay, so I was thinking, maybe we could, you know....."

"We could what?" I asked in curiosity.

"Just don't shoot down my thoughts, okay?" I nodded, and she continued. "Maybe we could try for a baby." I practically spit out the red liquid I was drinking.

"What? Why?"

"I want a baby to hold, one to take care of."

"I'm your baby, right? Plus, we're so young, and still so much to discover. I don't want to rush anything." I intertwined my fingers through hers, looking into those bright blue eyes.

"Beck, we're twenty five years old. Isn't it time to settle down?"

"I want to travel the world with you, explore new places. Wouldn't it be great?" I saw her gulp hard, trying to force back the tears.

"Yeah. I need to get ready for work." She dragged herself out of the bed and into the bathroom.

What the hell did I just do?

We climbed halfway up the steep mountain, and I could see the sun fading away, leaving behind a trail of colors.

"Do you guys want to settle down for the night?" The little blue haired creatures nodded their heads, and I looked down at the map. "Well it looks like the camp is a few more miles ahead, but I don't think the map will mind if we stop here, right?"

I look of worry hit their face, and these things shook their heads no. I could see why they didn't want me to stop, but I couldn't help it.

"It's okay guys, you'll be alright. Let's set up our tents." I picked an ice cave, and put down the thickest blankets avaliable. "You guys sleep over here, and I'll sleep right here." There was about five feet between us, because I only like to sleep with Quinn. "Goodnight guys."

I laid a heavy red blanket over them, making sure they were warm.

I plopped myself down, and just as I did, a loud rumbling noise echoed through the mountains. I looked at the things with a look of concern.

Cracking noises shot up to my ears, and I soon felt the ground shake underneath me. The blue haired balls of energy watched me plummet down a hole, into the deep darkness.

a/n:Where do you think he's going next? ;)

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Where do you think he's going next? ;)

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