Because of Fear

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The elevator rumbles under the soles of my feet, descending down one floor. The Psych Ward, of Arkham Asylum. My mind swirls with thoughts. Should I be afraid, because Gotham has some of the most criminally insane people in the world. Should I be excited because all this hard work has payed off. I settle on a mixture of both.

The elevator doors shift open making the little bell noise. To the left of me nurses stroll the halls, holding carts with medication and food. Those seem to be the therapy rooms. To the right is a receptionist desk and the offices of the head doctors and psychiatrist. "Ahh, Miss.Dalton. I was expecting you." And older woman with a Russian accent and a tight expression on her face says.

"I'm Nurse Kurtz, the head nurse of this institution. I'll show you your way." She leads me down the hallway stopping at a door. 'Jonathan Crane' is inscribed into the golden plate on the door. "This is Doctor Crane's office. He's the head psychiatrist. All these offices belong to the head doctors." She continues down the hall, stopping at another door. "This is the psychiatrists office. You will have your own desk for all your files and paper work." She pushes open the door.

The smell of mold floats out, like the place hasn't been cleaned in a bit. Desks line both sides, most of them are empty except for three. "Have they arrived yet?" I ask. "No, we only have three. Jobs hear aren't very wanted." She stops at an old mahogany desk. A name tag that reads 'Scarlett Dalton." Rests on top. I plop my black purse down, getting in the seat. "After you et yourself settled in, visit Dr. Crane. Oh and be careful. Most patients here would rather rip you a apart than talk to you."

Her words hang in the air after she leaves. I try picturing my first patient. Will they be just whacked or will they be violently insane? I set down all the notes and paper work I had. I stack them in nice neat piles.  "Ok Dr. Crane." I whisper to my self. I make my way to his office, the clicks of my heels echoing in the halls.

I cautiously knock on the door, stepping a bit back. A younger man with dark brown hair and...gorgeous blue eyes behind his glasses stands in the door frame. "Hi, Dr. Jonathan Crane." He smiles, hand sticking out. I accept the shake." Scarlett Dalton." He motions his hands for me to enter. His desks sits in front of a large room, the place smelling a bit nicer than mine.

He fumbles through papers on his desk, picking out a tan folder. "This will be your first patient. 'Richard Cross'. "Judging by how well you handle that, you may get upgraded." I flip through the papers. "Gee I can go from psycho to psycho murder." My sarcasm is noticeable. He lets out a small laugh. "I'll walk you there." Back outside, we walk side by side to the therapy room. I clutch the folder tightly in both arms.

"So what brought you to Arkham?" He asks. "Fear." I say. He stops at the word fear in the middle of the halls.

"What about it?"

"I just want to know how it works."

"Oh...ok. Well the room is right here."

Room 43, the dark black door rests next to a large window. One of those interrogation Windows where you can only see in not out. I pace myself at the door, taking in a deep breath. "I'll be right out here." Jonathan reassures. Then I push open the door.

A/N Sorry if this chapter is short. I'm kinda just experimenting with this. I would really appreciate feedback so I know if I should continue:) I'd really like that!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2016 ⏰

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