Chapter 2

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*Juliette's POV*

Growing up kids always look forward to the first day of school. They have their brand new clothes, backpacks, and supplies. They couldn't be happier to be there. Then they get older. Where the hell does that go? Because I know for sure I definitely have no desire to go to school today.

"Hey bitch," Milani screeches as she gets into my car. "You have no idea how good it is to see you. It feels like it has been forever."

"It has been two months. You vacationed in Cabo with us over the summer. You're right though two months is too long. Though, it is also way too short of a time to be a way from school."

"It will be ok. It isn't like you will be the only new kid. There is an entire freshman class that is brand new."

"Oh I'm sorry. I will be the one and only new upper classmen, the weirdo who transferred for her senior year. I guess the only good thing is I do actually know these people even if they don't like me," I laugh remembering how easy it had been back in elementary school when everybody had to be nice to everybody and nobody felt like an outsider.

"Just think about it this way. You only need to survive nine months with these people and then you can leave and go to college wherever you want."

"Nine months," I sigh. "That's true. I mean what could happen?"


"Here is your schedule and a map of the school, Miss. Taylor. Though I am sure you could find your way around here without it. This school is not very big. Have a great day and come back here if you have any problems," Miss. Michaels, the school secretary, says handing me my forms. I check my schedule making sure there aren't any surprises.

1st Period: Physics

2nd Period: Advanced Chemistry

3rd Period: AP Calculus

4th Period: AP Literature

5th Period: Anatomy and Physiology

6th Period: Study Hall

"I know I have been asking you this for years but seriously why do you hate yourself so much? I mean Advanced Chemistry? Really? It is our senior year. You are supposed to be chilling out. Not trying to melt your brain," Milani laughs looking over my shoulder at my schedule.

"Just because we can't all be like you with your two actual classes, two study halls, a peer tutor class, and Advanced Fashion doesn't mean we hate ourselves. How did you even pull that off? You are literally only doing school work two thirds of the day. Sometimes you amaze me."

"Well like you said not everybody can be as awesome as me. You can't dis Advanced Fashion though, that is a very valuable class."

"You say that as if you haven't spent all summer working on the assignments you will be doing this year," I laugh as the warning bell rings.

"You know it but I still have Homecoming and Prom to plan for of course. I mean how could you doubt me? See you at lunch, Juliette," she laughs as she heads off to her first period and I continue to mine.

It isn't that I try and torture myself with my classes; I have just always been good in school. That was one of the things my dad felt very strongly about before I died. He used to say that, "If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you," and this always made me think about how I never wanted to be held back by something that I did so I have always pushed myself to do better. After his disappearance, I wanted to do so even more so that I could make him proud even if he wasn't here.

I slipped into my first period class right as the bell rings. "Welcome everybody to Physics. I am Professor Hendrix and I will be you teacher for this year," Professor Hendrix starts as he walks in to the room. "This year will not be easy but those of you who are willing to work will do fine. Mr. Adams. If you wouldn't mind finding your seat, we can get started," he said catching the kid who tried to sneak in late.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I just-"

"No excuses. I do not tolerate tardiness. This will be your one and only warning. This will be everyone's only warning," he growls. I look up at Professor Hendrix surprised at his harshness. I have had rough teachers but this guy amazed me. I mean did he seriously growl? Then again this is high school, the one true hell.


My next three classes passed rather quickly but I was more than grateful to finally be at lunch. Milani slams her tray down next to me. "Why in the world are people at this school so dang stupid? I mean I literally just walked into some girl giving a guy a blow job in an empty classroom. They couldn't even wait a couple weeks into the school year before they started to try figuring out which classroom is the best to get pregnant in."

"See this is what happens when you don't take actual classes. You get stuck with all the idiots."

"Hey are you the new girl? Juliette?" the guy from my first period walks up to me. Where did all the attractive guys in this town come from? They definitely weren't here when I moved away. I mean the guy from the café and now him. He was sexy. He had tasseled blonde hair that made him look like he just woke up. He had eyes that were a beautiful ice blue. I nod in response to his questions. "I'm Nicholas. Nicholas Adams. I didn't get a chance to introduce myself earlier."

"It's nice to meet you. Was there something I could help you with?"

He chuckles, "Wow. You are very straightforward aren't you?" I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. "I was coming over to see if you would want to hang sometime? Maybe go see a movie or hang out at my place?"

I looked at him baffled. "Wait, are you serious? I mean you just met me and I..."

He laughs and just nods. "I'll pick you up at 7 on Friday," he winks before walking away. Wow. One day here and I have date. This is definitely going to be an interesting year.


Two chapters in. I am really excited about this book. Please let me know what you think about it so far.

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