Chapter 3

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*Juliette's POV*

Friday couldn't have come fast enough. Not only did that mean my first week of my senior year was over but it also meant that I had a date with one of the hottest guys I had ever met.

"I just want to point out he never actually said it was a date. You could be freaking out over nothing," My inner voice chided at me as I threw yet another outfit onto the ever-growing pile on my bed. I always talked to myself when I was stressed. It always made me feel more relaxed especially since she always felt so real to me.

"I know he never technically said that it was a date but he totally implied it and I'm not freaking out. I am just trying to figure out what I would look good in," I defend myself.

"Oh my bad, I must have been confused by the clothes flying through the air at ninety miles per hour."

"Hey cut me some slack. I haven't been on a date in quite a while and you know that. All I want to do is make an impression. You never know what might happen," I smirk at the thought finally settling on a double layered tank top with some nice jeans and my favorite converse.

"He isn't the right guy for us. You should know this already."

"You haven't given him a chance yet. If you will just wait you will be able to see how cool he is," I put the finishing touches on my outfit right as the doorbell rings. I apply another layer of lip gloss and head downstairs to open up the door.

"Hey Juliette," I open the door to Nick leaning against the door frame, "I was thinking that we could go see a movie and swing by The Ice Patch after to get some yogurt. I would just need to drop off some stuff at my house real quick if you don't mind."

I smile, "That sounds great."


"I can't believe you actually told Mrs. Goodman, the sweetest and oldest woman in this neighborhood, about your sex life. How in the world could you do that?" I laugh.

"I didn't mean too. I was talking to someone else and she was eavesdropping behind me. I will never live it down. She reminds me of it every single time I see her."

"I'm sorry but I just can't-" I stutter off when the house appears before me. House was not the right word to use for the place that stood before me. The place was huge. The outside was covered in the most beautiful sand colored stone. The light coming through the massive windows that covered the entire building seemed to make the place glow. "You have got to be kidding me. This cannot be your house."

"Well technically that isn't my house. I mean I live on the property but that isn't my house. It is kind of hard to explain. It sits on a few dozen acres and so there are quite a few people who all live here but like I said it is complicated. I promise though that it will just take a couple of minutes. Don't go anywhere." He runs off leaving me there staring at the huge mansion in front of me.

"This house is insane. I can't believe how big it is. You have to go inside. If you don't go inside you are going to miss your one and only chance to be in a place as amazing as this. Please you have to do this. You have to go in to this house." I didn't understand why she was pushing me so hard to go into this house.

I climb out of the car and lean against it. "What is so important about this house?" I felt drawn to something in the house and it was more than just because of her telling me that I needed to. The roar of a motor surprises me causing me to jump in shock. The last person I ever expected pulling up behind me.

"Hello sweetheart."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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