My story ^.^

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Primary/Middle school was pretty tough as a kid. Of course, being about 8 years old, I didn't know how to defend myself against bullies or meanies. I was bullied quite a bit. There was this one girl called Jasmine who would constantly pick on me and call me names. Even in Primary school, people can be complete assholes. Anyway, at the time, she was one of the hardest people to deal with it. It got to the point where I had to tell someone, because when you're a little kid, narking on someone is a big deal. I told my teacher about it, and he told her off. She stopped for a while.

When I was in year 7, (6th grade) the bullying started again. I was too scared to tell anyone else about it a second time, because I didn't want to come off as a nark. It was quite a scary experience as a 10 year old kid. Luckily, my teacher would keep an eye out for Jasmine because he knew I had been bullied by her before. But at that time, Jasmine wasn't the only problem. More and more people began to pick on me and call me names. I only had real two friends at this time, and quite often they would start fighting about something stupid and I would be stuck in the middle of it, trying to make everything better. Other times, I would go out for lunch and see they would be hanging out with someone else I didn't like, or who didn't like me. I would quite often sit by myself while they laughed behind my back. Ocasionally, new people would appear in our class, and I would try to be nice as I could, desperate for a friend. Sometimes it worked, most times it didn't

Until one day, the class got introduced to a girl called Hannah. I quickly befriended her and soon we became really good friends. I also became good friends with a girl called Ruby. I would always sit with Hannah or Ruby at lunchtime and then we would play on the playground together. Finally, I had amazing friends. I was happy.

Soon, 6 months had passed. Hannah had left for a different school and I only had Ruby. Which was fine, but at that point I had made some more friends. Sometimes I would hang out with Ruby, other times I would hang out with my other friends. The only problem with this was Ruby was always wanting to hang out with me. She wanted me all to herself. I was still great friends with her, but it became annoying if I wanted to hang out with other people. Eventually, she made me promise that we would meet at the sawdust pit everyday (Yes, we had a pit of sawdust. It was a weird school) so that we could hang out. Sometimes, I would forget about our promise and I would hang out with our other friends. She would then accuse me of being a bad friend and she would sometimes cry about it. I didn't want to be mean, so I would hang out with her as much as possible, but I didn't want to loose my other friends that I had worked so hard to gain.

Eventually, Year 7 came to an end which was quite good for me, It meant no more drama in my life. But I only had to wait until High school for the real drama to begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2013 ⏰

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