Weapon of Mass Cuteness

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WMC Weapon of Mass Cuteness
Mick's Pov
"How?" Len asks looking up from our new bundle of joy and I smile.
"Lisa and I went to pick her up this afternoon. I got a call last night while you were asleep saying that we could bring her home today if we wanted," I say and Len stands and kisses me.
"She's beautiful," Len whispers as I pass her into his arms. She looks up at the two of us and smiles and Len's breathe hitches. I pull him against my chest and kiss his forehead.
"I'm sorry I went without you," I whisper in his ear, just in case he's mad.
"Don't be, this was a wonderful surprise," Len says staring as she reaches her hand up to grab at his non existent hair.
"Aww, she's trying to play with you Len," I say.
"Do you think I'll be a good dad? I mean what if something happens?" Len asks and I cup his chin.
"Len, you will be an amazing father. You took care of me when I needed you most, and you raised Lisa. As for anything happening to her, between three criminals, an assassin, and three separate teams of superheroes, and a CCPD detective I think our kid is going to be safer than the president" I say making him laugh. Lisa coos and tiny little bubbles form in the corner of her mouth making the two laugh.
"She has your temper," Len says as she tries to grab for hair again.
"But she's adorable, just like you," I say and kiss him.
Len sits down in the rocking chair and Lisa smiles, "She's so quiet," Len whispers.
"Won't be that way tonight," I say with a smile.
"Maybe she'll make it through the night," Len says. I'm about to respond but when I look down Len is passed out along with our new daughter. I smile and put her in her crib and then take a seat in the other rocking chair listening to the nonsense Len is saying in his sleep.

Iris' pov
I should feel bad about watching the cameras that Lisa had Cisco install in the nursery, but I just can't help watching the two criminals be adorable with their new daughter. When Len had started talking in his sleep everyone had looked at Lisa who had smiled and shrugged.
A noise from the nursery distracts everyone and we all watch as Len picks up the crying baby and Mick hands him a bottle. Len hands her to him and Mick holds her close to his chest as she drinks.
But what shocks everyone is when Len starts singing to her in order to calm her down.
"I didn't know Len could sing" someone says but everyone ignores them. We watch as Mick turns and stares straight into the camera before flipping it off., making everyone laugh. Len smirks and reaches behind the rocking chair and points his cold gun straight at the camera which shuts everyone up. Len then looks at the tiny girl, smiles and returns the gun to his holster. They share a kiss that makes us all a little uncomfortable and Mick lays the baby in her crib. We all straighten up in their living room as they head out of the nursery. We're all sporting the same guilty faces, except Cisco who looks scared to death that they'll figure out that he set up the camera.

Len's Pov
"If I see any of that on facebook I'll kill all of you," Mick growls sitting next to Barry on our couch. I squeeze in on Mick's other side.
"No way! This is going on my blog," Iris says and I feel Mick tense next to me and I reach over and lay may hand on top of his.
"No blogs," Mick growls and she frowns.
"Why?" she demands at the same time Cisco says, "What about youtube?"
"No YouTube or blog or anything else, it will put our daughter in danger. We have any number of enemies that wouldn't think twice about using her as leverage against us," Mick says and Iris and Cisco don't push the topic.
"What are your plans for taking outside?" Ray asks.
"Well obviously we'll keep our eyes open when we take her outside, we were also hoping that some her Aunt and Uncles would be willing to take her out as well," I say and have to cover my ears as they all say they'd be happy to do it.
"Geez if there were this many volunteers for the Hunger Games there be no story," Cisco mumbles and I laugh.
"Why am I not surprised you watched those movies," I say and Lisa laughs.
"Watch out Lennie I bet your daughter will get hooked on them. Maybe I'll even show her Twilight" Lisa says and everyone winces.
"Over my dead body she'll watch Twilight. At that age she'll be watching Prison Break and Dinotopia," I say making Mick laugh.
"Don't forget The Loft and Blade Trinity," Mick adds helpfully.
"So basically as far from Disney as you can get," Cisco says.
"Exactly!" Mick says.
"Well maybe Frozen," I add and everyone looks at me. "What? I may find that snowman annoying but she is a baby and should be able to enjoy some Disney, just not when she's older and learning to kick butt. Got a problem with that Cisco?" I say.
"No. Frozen never bothered me anyway," Cisco says and we all groan.
"I should have seen that coming," I say getting up and going into the kitchen. I reach into one of the cupboards and remove the false back to pull out a package of peanut M&Ms.
"Captain Cold eats peanut M&Ms!" Barry exclaims when I walk back into the room.
"I bet you didn't see that coming," I say.
"Great now he's quoting Age of Ultron," Cisco moans. I smirk and down the entire package then sit back down and lean against Mick.
"I'm also lazy," I say.
"He's also lying; if he wants to do something no force on earth is going to stop him. "That's why we had to go all the way to Gotham to get married. It legalized gay marriage before Central City did" Mick says and I smack his arm before going back into the kitchen.
"Can you bring me a beer Babe?" I hear Mick call and then hear laughing.
"Did Heatwave just call Captain Cold Babe?" I hear Iris ask.
"What's so funny?" Mick demands.
"It's just...Nothing. Nothing's funny," Raymond says and I smirk because he must have decided that finishing his sentence was not worth risking his life.
"I think this is the exact reason we kept our marriage a secret," I say handing Mick his beer. I sit next to him and take a sip of my water.
"Water?" Mick asks eyeing my glass.
"I have to set a good example for our daughter," I say and Mick leans down.
"You're going to be a great dad," He says and hugs me against his chest.
"You raised me Len, you can't do any better than that," Lisa says making me laugh.
"Ever since you joined the Legends you've helped each of us. You'll make a perfect dad," Sara says giving me a smile.
"You've saved each of us at least once." Rip says and I smile, I never thought I'd come to count this many people as part of my family. When I hear a wail from the nursery I'm up faster than I think even Barry could manage.
"I'll go calm her down," I say and head for the nursery.

Mick's Pov
I follow Len into the nursery and find him rocking our daughter. I walk up to him, wrap my arms around them and start rocking the two loves of my life back and forth.
"I think she needs to be changed Mick," Len says and we put her on the changing table. Just like with everything else we do we work together to get her nice and clean. Once we're done she starts squirming.
"Maybe we should take her out to meet her Aunts and Uncles," I suggest poking her nose making her smile.
"I think so too, but only one at I time. If they crowd her then she might get scared," Len says and holds her close to his chest and we head out to let her meet the rest of her new family.

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