Meet The Family

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    Len's pov

        I carried little Lisa back to the seriously overcrowded living room. It felt like I had adopted more than one child the last few days. I don't think the living room had yet to breathe and have a few minutes to itself. I sighed. Mick placed his hand on my shoulder, whispered "let's get this over with" and headed into the Rory international airport.

     "Alright all of you house crashers, I hear you all want to meet this squirming pile of shit so get in a line like in kindergarten and we will do this one at a time" I said trying not to laugh at their expressions. I tickled Lisa's belly and told her that she was the cutest pile of shit ever.

     I looked up and saw Ray standing right in front of me. He looked like a little boy heading into his favorite candy shop. I was reluctant to hand Lisa over to him in fear I would never get her back. Lisa reached out and grabbed a little hand of Rays hair and pulled it towards her. I shouldn't have laughed but I did. I figured Ray deserved to get to hold her after that. "Be nice to uncle Ray" I said to Lisa as I handed her to Ray. The tears ran down Rays face as he heard me say that. "Your so adorable and uncle Ray will be here for you always" he said as he handed her back to me. Patting my shoulder he whispered, "I'm so happy for the both of you" and headed to sit back down. I smiled at him and was glad he was a part of my life.

      Dr. Stein was next in the line of people who wanted to hold Lisa like she was some sort of trophy. Placing Lisa in Steins arms the first thing she did was try to go for his non-existent hair. Stein laughed. "She is adorable Len. I know you and Mick will make wonderful father's". This made me blush. "Martin, I never had a father that was there and neither did Mick, so we are both glad that your here to help us with our little bundle of joy" and with that I saw Lisa coo. I knew at that moment that Mick and I had made a wonderful choice in life. "Anytime you boys need me I'm here. I never had kids so all of you on the waverider are like my children and now I've got my first grandbaby" and with that he patted me on the shoulder and left but not before I saw the tears gathering in his eyes.

     Jackson was next. He stared at Lisa and I. He moved closer and then backed up. "What's up Jax, do you want to hold her or not" I asked just a tad annoyed. Jax swallowed and asked "does she bite"? The laughter could be heard from every corner of the room. Even Micky was having a good laugh. "Jackson, she is a baby, she doesn't have teeth but she might gum you to death or worse pull your hair" I said trying not to burst out laughing myself. Blushing Jax stepped forward. "I've never held a baby before" he said as he looked down at Lisa. "Neither had Mick but he is amazing with her." And with that I put little Lisa in his arms. The minute she was there Jax relaxed and Lisa cooed and Jax smiled. "I knew it would be fine" I said smiling back at him. "I really hope to get to be a dad one day" Jax said and handed Lisa back to me. "I know if you do, you will be a great one Jackson" I said and he went to sit down next to Martin.

   Next was my new little sister, Sara. We had grown close and I was glad that she was able to reconnect with her true love as well. Lisa looked into Sara's blue eyes, smiled and pulled a handful of hair on her head. "Ouch" Sara said and laughed. "Your gonna be as feisty as your daddies arnt you" she said and handed Lisa back to me. She smiled and as she walked off pulled out her phone and the one thing I could hear was "Nyssa, I want to adopt a baby". I laughed and knew that her and Nyssa would make wonderful parents to a child.

    I stared at the man in front of me. Oliver Queen. He helped Barry track us down a couple times. He was good looking but lacking in the brains department a bit like Mick. He took a couple steps up and stared at the tiny little thing.

"I know you and Felicity will be good parents" I  said to Oliver as I nodded towards Felicity I said "I think it's time Felicity sees her doctor". Oliver looked up at me in shock. "What do you mean" he asked with a look of fear on his face. "It's nothing bad Queen, it's just the way she is standing and walking, I think that there will be another little Queen around soon" I said trying to hold back the enjoyment this was giving me. He looked more pale before and within seconds hands Lisa back to me and sat down on the furthest chair away from everyone but where he could still keep an eye on Felicity.

     When I looked back Felicity was right up in my face. Keeping with the order of things I place Lisa in Felicity's arms. For the first time Lisa cooed and laid calmly in someone's arms. I looked up at Felicity and smiled. "She likes you" I said. Felicity blushed and said "Congrats guys she is so cute, I can't wait to babysit for you". Giving Lisa a kiss on the nose which made Lisa  giggle , Felicity proceeded to hand her back to me which caused her to wail like a banshee. Felicity looked afraid she hurt her but I said she just didn't want to leave her arms. We both laughs  and Felicity went and sat by Oliver who still looked like he saw a ghost.

       It was Joe's turn now and he was wearing the most dumbfounded expression ever. He stared at her like she was the most precious thing on this earth. He asked if he could hold her, the first I might add who didn't just expect me to hand over my child to them and of course I obliged. Staring down into her eyes Joe said, his voice a million miles away, and tears in his eyes,

"She reminds me of Iris when she was a baby". I watched as he played with her little hands and feet. With one last loving look he handed Lisa back to me. "You keep her safe you hear me, there is nothing as precious as your little girl" Joe said keeping his eyes on Mick. Nodding, Mick let Joe know in his own we he understood what he was saying. I smiled as I watched Mick shift his weight. He always did get nervous around Joe. I think it's because he looks up to him as a father.

     Rip was standing against the back wall keeping quiet. I walked over to him and asked if everything was alright. I saw him glance down at Lisa and I smiled. "Would you like to hold her" I asked. He nodded and with an ease that only a parent would know takes her from me. I was embarrassed when she grabbed his hair. He just laughed and said

"She's precious I'm really happy for you Mr.Snart and Mr.Rory I know you'll be great parents" and with one last look at Lisa he handed her back to me and quickly wiped the tears from his eyes. Mick came over and without saying anything led Rip into the kitchen probably to have a drink. Mick knew how to read people and he must've sensed that Rip needed some beer and a quiet space to calm down his emotions. I smiled at the fact that not many people knew that Mick was so complex.

     I saw that Kendra was also not approaching like the others did. I remembered the pain she felt at loosing the child of one of her past incarnations. It must be horrible to have to have those emotions for someone who you really didn't know. Through tears streaming down her eyes she managed to take Lisa long enough to kiss her on the forehead and say "she is adorable, I really am happy for the both of you". I noticed she was shaking but I didn't want to frighten her so I let her just hold Lisa because I knew she would never let anything happen to her. Finally as soon she calmed down she handed me back Lisa and kissed me on the cheek and went into the kitchen with Mick and Rip.

    When I saw Cisco heading my way I tried to keep calm. He would probably do and say something terribly annoying but if he wanted to meet Lisa he would let him. Cisco didn't make a move to hold her but he did study her and then like a light switch was flipped in his dull head he shouted "steam punk" and before I could blink he was giving me a quick hug and saying "I love you so much brother from another mother who is brothers with my girl". I stared daggers at him and said "your lucky I'm holding Lisa or you would need a space heater" I growled. Cisco smiled and ran as fast he could away from me. Lisa who was standing with Cisco looked down at Lisa and said "your daddy is a big grump isn't he. Hopefully soon you will have a little niece or nephew to play with" she said and this made Sara coo. "Don't push it Lisa or I might just kill him" I growled and she seemed to notice that I was a tad upset and went and stood by Cisco which made me more angry. I had to remember to have a private chat with Cisco and my freeze ray later.

    Next to want to see Lisa was Harry and Kaitlyn. I was glad when they came up together. They both analyzed her and then they each said hello and told us she was beautiful and they were happy for us.

    Mick walked back in and gave me a "when is it over" glare. I held up two fingers and he collapsed on the comfy couch. Barry and Iris came up together holding hands. "Look Lisa, it's your god parents" I said and handed her to Iris. They just adored her and adored them right back. She got tickled and bounced and she cooed the whole time. After Lisa got a full amusement park right there in their house Iris handed Lisa next to me. I got up out of the chair I had sat myself in and Lisa and I plopped down next to Mick. I kissed him on his head and then I felt Mick gently move Sara out of my arms and he laid my head on his shoulder. "Get some rest Len, I've got this" he said. I smiled and took his advice. Drifting off to sleep I could swear I heard Mick singing to Lisa. It was the most beautiful thing id ever heard.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2016 ⏰

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