Chapter 2

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The next morning was like any other ordinary day.

Girls gossiping about who slept with who, the nerds arguing about some scientific theory they tackled the other day in class, the cheerleaders flirting with all the available jocks, the jocks scouting for their next prey to make fun of and any possible bedwarmers to take home for the night, and of course, the classic weirdos being.. Well, weird.

But that was before Nadine came into the picture.

Upon entering the room, everyone fell silent, holding their breaths, waiting for her to make her move.

Nadine walked slowly towards her seat in the back by the window, setting her bag down and making herself feel comfy. She didn't even bother sparing a glance at all the unnerving stares being thrown her way. Instead, she shrugged it all off and enjoyed the perfect view outside from her seat.

Everyone went back to what they were previously doing once they knew Nadine was back to her usual self. The Nadine who didn't care about anything or anyone. The icy Nadine she was known for.

Just then, James scurried into the room and looked around as if in search for someone. His eyes then laid on the girl who was all alone in the back.

Come to think of it, James never really realized they were in the same class. If not for Bret telling him, he would've been completely clueless. Was he that ignorant? Or was Nadine that invisible? Not that it really mattered, though. At least now, he knew. And he was sitting right beside her.

This is your chance, Reid. Don't blow it.


No reaction.


Nope. Still no reaction.


She didn't even blink.

This was hopeless. She was never going to notice him no matter what he did. He knew it would be hard to grab her attention but he never knew it would be this hard. The saying easier said than done proved to be true. Maybe he should just ask help from Yassi after class. That seems like a much better idea than approaching Nadine head-on. Yassi is his bestfriend's girl afterall so she wouldn't turn him down, right?

He was about to keep his mouth shut and just hope for the best with convincing Yassi to help him when Nadine finally decided to move and see whoever was bold enough to sit on the chair beside her and come talk to her.

Her eyes widened a bit upon seeing it was the brown-eyed guy from yesterday before her expression was immediately replaced with the expression everyone was all too familiar with, her blank one.

"What do you want?" Nadine spat, her tone sharp.

"James." He blurted, a bit too fast for her to even understand. James mentally slapped his forehead and calmed himself down.

She's just a girl. She's harmless. Man the fuck up, Reid.

"Excuse me?" Nadine tilted her head to get a better view of him, her eyebrow cocked.

"James, that's my name. James Reid," He finally managed to say, his aussie accent cutting through. Nadine visibly stiffened and avoided his gaze.

"I'm not interested. Now leave me alone."

Was it just me or did she really have a bruise on her right cheek and a cut on her bottom lip?

James was about to check if his eyes were just playing games on him or what when the instructor for their first class arrived. Oh, what luck.

He could save his questions for later, I guess. For now, the questions confusing his mind would have to wait.


After three long dragging subjects, classes for today were finally done. Perks of being a regular student in a block section, your schedule wasn't broken. It was easier and more convenient, in a way. But it did get boring seeing the same faces everyday.

James kind of slept throughout their last subject. Always the sleepy one, you see. It was history, for Christ's sake. And we all know how boring that particular subject is.

He stretched his arms out as he stood up, rubbing out the sleepiness in his eyes only to see Nadine already making her way out of their classroom. Woah, was she fast. It was already past lunchtime. Perhaps she was hungry.

Good thing Yassi arrived and stopped Nadine in the middle of the hallway meaning James didn't have that much catching up to do. He was about to butt in to their little reunion but chose to keep quiet and watch for a bit to not get on their bad side. He was a goner if that were to happen.

"Nadine! Gusto sana kitang pasalamatan for standing up for me yesterday. I knew somewhere behind that cold façade of yours, you had a heart. You're honestly a great friend! I'm so lucky to have you!" Yassi beamed at Nadine and was about to pull her into her arms for a hug when she caught sight of the bruise on Nadine's right cheek and the cut on her lower lip. "Oh my God, anong nangyari sa'yo? You look terrible!"

Nadine chuckled.

It wasn't just a chuckle, it was a chuckle mixed with a dark demeanor. Like the chuckle of that evil witch you've learned to despise after watching your favorite disney movie. Like the chuckle of that evil villain you hate with a burning passion much hotter than the pits of hell.

Yep, it was that kind of chuckle.

What Nadine did next terrified everyone, as if the evil chuckle wasn't enough to scare the shit out of everybody.

Nadine swatted Yassi's hand that was about to touch the bruise on her right cheek roughly. Yassi's mouth hung open as she held her hand which stinged from Nadine's doing. She clearly wasn't expecting that.

Her next words were laced with venom, "You aren't my friend, Yassi. You never were." She uttered and walked away, leaving Yassi with an aching hand and an aching heart.

"You bitch!" A random girl from the crowd cried out, ready to plunge at Nadine and attack her for what she had just done to Yassi.

"Go ahead. Do it." Nadine interjected. "But make sure to do it with no regrets." She whispered lowly, yet audible enough for anyone standing closeby to hear.

The girl who was about to attack her stopped right in her tracks.

"Just what I thought. Now if you'll excuse me." Nadine gave the girl and Yassi a nod before making her grand exit.

But James knew better. And he wasn't letting her go this time. Not again. Not when she's just within his grasp.


Author's Note: Don't hate on Naddie, okay? She may be bitchy now, but she has her reasons. You'll understand and find out soon.

Habibi love,

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