First date 1.

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Danny came at the appointed time. It was raining outside and he was wearing a cape and a hat he threw on the porch without restraint. Dalma's parents were in the kitchen and she had to present him.

"What's the essay about?" Her father wanted to know.

Dalma's father was an architect and he built their home on which he still worked, always feeling the need to apply the new techniques emerging on the market. Dalma was forced to put her foot down and defend Saturday mornings when she wanted to sleep more in quiet and not in thumps of hammer or other movements in the attic.

Her room was upstairs with her bathroom, library and both of her parents' offices. Her mother drew illustrations for books and not just. She was also working with advertising companies that often brought to her products for inspiration. At six, Dalma ate a bag of malt candy for which she stayed in the hospital six days. Since then she no longer was allowed in her mother's office.

"The war of the sexes. Female versus male writers." Dalma answered her father's question. "Professor Marguis is very pinned to the idea. I think it's just a way to make us read more." She expressed her opinion.

"He called the essay: 'the most important, interesting and intelligent in the world'. I'm not sure who's more vain." Danny mentioned.

"There are a lot of women writers and poets to be remembered." Dalma spoke to her mother who showed from the start on what part she was. "But, I think we'll not war each other like the others." Dalma had another idea. "I think we'll make peace and show similarities between writers."

"And how will that be a debate?" Her father questioned her choice.

"You can't even debate between the men writers, each has his style." Dalma was ignited. "Nor the female ones. It's not fair."

"We'll find a way to not bring harsh criticism over any gender. We'll say only the good things." Danny chimed in and Dalma's mother smiled at him.

"We have a lot of work to do." Dalma saw her mother's mien saying that the boy was on her like.

Dalma led Danny to her room. At every step, she had to stop and clarify him with an answer at any question about a picture or object he found interesting. In fact, Danny found everything very interesting and probably would have preferred her father to make a presentation of the house.

"Before we start," Dalma said when they entered the room, "you choose which side you are. Pro or con?"

"What do you mean? I thought we'll make peace."

"For or against the idea of doing an essay on genders. We'll illustrate the great geniuses of classical and contemporary literature."

"I like the way you think." He complimented her.

"So you agree?"

"I don't even know what Professor Marguis was thinking."

"We'll show him what he needed to think about." She said trustful and Danny smiled believing in her. "So pro or con?"

"I'll try any option but I've never been a con kind of a guy."

Dalma smiled. Joely would've chosen the same just to give the guys a little trouble.

"You can be pro if you want." She agreed.

"It was a little joke... I won't be able to fight against you."

"You'll fight me even if you're against. You'll fight with me no matter what." She pressed him.

"And if I don't want to fight you?"

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