Dangerous Ice Bathes

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My eyes drifted from Deaton to the basin on the floor. Derek and Scott were filling it with ice, and every second that passed my nerves were getting worse. What if this doesn't work? I'll die. I took a deep breath and tied my long hair into a bun. My eyes slowly drifted closed as I sighed, the low hum of Deaton's voice barely touched my ear drums. I felt a familiar warmth in my hand and looked over to Isaac, an encouraging smile played across his lips. When I looked back to the basin my stomach dropped. I felt everyone's eyes on me as I put one foot slowly into the water, instantly feeling the rush of chills crawling through my veins.

"You don't have to do this," Isaac whispered, taking my hand in his. I knew that this was the only way to rid Deucalion from Beacon Hills. The pendant would make me stronger than anything else would. I needed to defeat him, not only for me but for Scott, Derek, and Isaac.

"Yes, I do. Isaac, if anything happens to me-" he interrupted me.

"I wont let anything happen to you, ever!" I weakly smiled and lowered myself to a sitting position. I gasped at the temperature change. My lips slowly turned from a rosy pink to a cold ice blue. My eyes flashed their hybrid color.

"Now!" Deaton yelled, and with that my body was pushed under the frigid water. Tossing and turning I fought to break Derek and Scotts strong grip, the feeling of their hands loosening on my shoulders gave my inner hybrid hope to become free of the chilling temperatures of the water. My body surged up with my fangs baring, a loud growl came from deep in my throat as I gasped in warm air.

"Hold her!" Deaton threatened Derek and Scott. My body was pushed forcefully back underneath the water, and I felt myself thrashing around and finally my mind went black.

"Once I move out I'll keep it at my place, hidden and guarded."

My eyes fluttered open to reveal the darkness of the forest. The trees swayed in the light breeze and the moonlight lit up a stray dirt path. Before I could think twice my feet followed that path. It seemed like forever until there was a clearing, a large white house stood alone. The moonlight lit the house and a small black car was in the driveway. I instantly recognized this place, Sam's house.

When I made it to the door I heard screams inside, followed by bangs.

"I swear! If you do so much as lay a finger on the pendant OR my sister I'll chop your little werewolf head off!" Sam threatened. I saw figures standing at the window. Who was the werewolf she was talking about?

"I'll steal the pendant when your dead, and that'll be today!" There were loud crashes and snarls that came from the room, followed by my sisters screams. I jumped and hid behind one of the large oak trees, noticing a strange symbol on it. A spiral, a vendetta. I peeked out from behind the tree, noticing the murderous figure step out of the house. The person who killed my sister wasn't Marie Jennings, it was none other than Deucalion.

I gasped loudly and sat up quickly. "The pendant, its at Sam's old house!" I said.

"Do you remember seeing anything else?" Derek asked me. I nodded and brushed a piece of my hair out of my face.

"My sister wasn't sacrificed, she was murdered. By Deucalion," I said slowly.


Ahhhh! Did anyone expect that? Deucalion killed Sam! Yes I know its short too, but I'm getting really busy. Thanks for all of the reads! Please vote too!

A picture of Ronnie's eyes are on the right >>>


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